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(3 edits)


I liked it! The overall art is very charming and the core game of exploring and finding new fish is quite fun! Checking on Info about the zone helps a lot with choosing where to go next. I haven't encountered the Overlord yet but I'm keeping an eye for it.

Although there is some parts that gets in the way of enjoying the game fully. My main gripe is with the combat sequence, it feels sluggish and some auto-advancing for the enemy turn would help improve it. Also some more UI info for the combat would help too, like which enemy is which when selecting it to attack. And I think the health is a bugged because when I died it didn't restore back to full health, even after interacting with the lighthouse, so any encounter I would die in a turn or two. Also critical hits felt quite frequent too.

But other than that it's a very good entry and I had fun playing it, well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for playing! 🙏

I'm thrilled that you liked it! I'm so sorry for the bugs!.. I fixed the most pressing ones right away, but then realized that uploads are temporarily turned off, so the update will sadly have to wait. Until then I put the update on my discord server! 

Those are great ideas! I ran out of time and had to cut the enemy choice numbers, among other features.. all the unforeseen permutations for the dynamic enemy choice sucked up a bunch of time 😅... and It's also my fault for starting the jam a few days late... and making the map so large without the help of dynamic tile-maps.

Right before the the deadline I decided add some needed features including one to increase the max health on level up, but then didnt have time to test it.. So yeh. I must apologize profusely, the health is terribly bugged in this build. It pathetically sets the player health to 0 when you get attacked by agro level 1 or 2 fish.. which are the easy ones. This was my fault.. I made an event to name a variable that I was using in a script, since GB Studio wont allow you to name variables in scripts, then by mistake, I forgot to delete the event that zeroed the players health.  Looking back I wish I would have put the jam on my calendar! 😄

Thank you again, and I very much hope you come back to check the update in the future! Sorry Its not available on the itch page right now!


Oooh good to know you're still updating it!

And wow I haven't noticed you used GB Studio, huge props for that! But yeah bugs during jams happens a lot but at least executing the idea is an achievement on itself so don't worry about it. and congrats on completing the jam!