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(1 edit) (+1)

I've used pygame a few times before, so starting the game wasn't so hard. When I started the game and heard no audio I just assumed it wasn't added, but when I walked further down and the music started I got really spooked for a second. Unfortunately when the monster did appear, it got caught on a locker and couldn't chase me. There are item pickups, but they feel super pointless, unless the monster is supposed to run into them to get stunned or something, but I wasn't able to test that. I got a bit disappointed when I finished the game and it was just a (Spoilers ahead:) arrow in the ground pointing to a clippable wall to the exit. I think you did the best on the secondary theme and the art style was mostly pleasing to the eye.  Overall, not too bad. Also if you want to make it easier for people to open your game I would recommend compiling it with either the PyInstaller or Nuitka library.

Thank you for the feedback, unfortunately I did not have the time (and skill) to implement item mechanics or enemy’s very well. The ending also will be updated in the future.