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A member registered Oct 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Good to know. I tried an emulator and it was a little better.

Everything about this game was amazing to play. It all feels like it could have been a real gameboy game. The only thing I found weird is that the enemies keep flashing and I thought my game was bugged because I couldn't climb ladders at the start.

First I would Like to say that this is a fantastic game, in fact it's the best game I've played out of all of the submissions so far. It has amazing artwork, great gameplay, and really feels like it had a ton of effort, but it's always good to give some constructive criticism on things. The first thing I noticed was that the first two enemies are extremely easy to beat after you learn the one attack they have, and their health doesn't seem to scale much/at all with the different floors. The one other thing I noticed was that the skeleton's hurt animation sometimes overrides the attack animation, so you can't see that the skeleton is attacking. Other than that, amazing game! 5 in everything except for 4 in gameplay for me.

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The swinging mechanic feels so nice! The game is pretty buggy though, the main bugs being when you are in tight spaces with a lot of bones and if you die after you throw a bone  without picking it up you lose it forever. I had to restart once after one of my bones was permanently lost, but I beat it on my second try. Great game!

Great short little game, I was a little bit confused at some parts but it definitely had a (good) unsettling vibe to it.

Great game, good job on getting it to run on the Gameboy! It looks great, and plays well, but the left and right movement frustrated me a bit because of how long it takes to accelerate. I also hated how much I would bump my head and fall right into the water because I underestimate the jump height as well. As for music, it's not that bad, but if you want to get better at making music that would work well with a Gameboy I recommend using LSDJ. The UI is a bit hard to navigate but once you learn it it's really easy to use and it can also run on the Gameboy and uses the sound chips from it. Anyways, good job!

I really liked the art on this game! Probably the best art I've  seen so far in the games I've player, but as a rhythm game lover, I didn't really like the gameplay. I think the 2nd minigame was good and I don't have problems with that, but the rest had some glaring issues. The arrows in the first game didn't have enough contrast with the background to properly see the direction you are supposed to hit, the 3rd game was really confusing because I thought that I was supposed to hit the drums the moment the circle filled, but you actually have to hit the drums from when it starts at a position until the circle fills, which really isn't rhythmic at all. 2nd game's music had some good clear beats in it which made it easy to hear when you are supposed to duck and jump, but the 1st and 3rd game weren't like that at all, and often felt disconnected from the beat, which made the game not really feel like a a rhythm game to me. Great work on this game though, I'm probably just being super picky because I've played a lot of rhythm games before.

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I'll set my refresh rate to 60hz and try it out.

Edit: Got it working, and was able to beat it. Gameplay is very simple and aside from the refresh rate issue I liked how tight some of the jumps were. I upped the gameplay rating a little.

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If you are having trouble with the last part of the tutorial, look here:

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That's because that's just the tutorial area and it's supposed to teach you how to play, so you don't actually die, you just get teleported back to try again. I'm going to have to put up some visual guide up to show people how to do that last part, but you are supposed to quickly tap A and B, or Space and L at the same time while moving right. If you don't tap fast enough the platform will move out of the way and you will fall.

Thanks for enjoying it!

The Minigames are great, my favorite was the shooting one on the top left. The art and music certainly aren't the best, but they aren't terrible, and there is definitely a gameboy like theme to them. Great job!

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Great Turn Based RPG! Unfortunately my game crashed after the first encounter in the house in the bottom right but I think the turn based combat was done really well. There are a few minor problems I have with it, such as there being no music, random encounters are slightly too frequent and the enemy health bars are bugged and don't display the correct amount of health.

A bit odd for a 2d pixel art game to be made on Unreal Engine, But the game still looked pretty good, aside from the flames animation which had way more pixels than the other textures. I had some problems with the collision, especially the vents you had to shoot to break, I couldn't pass the second one and got stuck. The character refusing to move if you pressed more than 1 direction at a time was also a little weird. Soundtrack was very fitting. Overall the game is great aside from a couple of bugs that could probably be fixed somewhat easily.

I was really confused playing this. Some of the rooms where you try to avoid projectiles are almost impossible to get out of without taking multiple hits. the boss room with the ghost is where I stopped because I had nothing to beat him with and when I tried going back the game softlocked. Love the artstyle. Music was good, but some of the sounds in the music didn't sound like they could be made on a gameboy.

Very short and simple, but great art and music!

Great game, rooms feel unique and artstyle is consistent. Unfortunately, while I didn't notice it until I looked closely there I think there are more than 4 colors that show up at a time in some rooms. The difficulty could also use a little bit of tuning down. I feel like the player should either have some lives or the enemies should only be able to shoot in 4 directions. Other than that, good job on this!

Glad you liked the music, I had to learn Little Sound DJ during the gamejam to make the music sound like it's from a gameboy, and I hadn't made music at all before this so I'm happy to hear someone liked it.

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You have to very quickly tap a and b at the same time and keep moving right, it will make you be able to jump from a platform to another.

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Spent a good 10 minutes on this game. Addictive, just like cookie clicker. If there was a tiny animation with the pumpkin when you clicked it and if it made a clicking sound, the game would have instantly been 10x better, but good job on what you've done!

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As someone who has been actively playing 4k rhythm games since before 2014, this was still kind of tough for me, probably because I'm used to 4, rows, but I really liked this. There are a few flaws in the input system like no penalties for spamming super fast or 1 tap hitting multiple notes at the same time, but it's still very playable. extremely impressive for something made in 10 days. I wish I had made a rhythm game for this game jam. My main complaint would be the lives system though, I feel like they should regenerate after a certain amount of hits.

Loved the art style and that fun drawing section at the start! I was surprised when the view switched from the side to the top for a scene, nice effort! If anything, the sound effects were kind of inconsistent, some were higher quality, and some were retro. The higher quality sounds felt a bit out of place with the game's artstyle and the theme of the gameboy. Great Job though!

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I didn't get that far into the game, so I might be missing some things but here is what I think of the game. The first thing I immediately noticed was that the movement of the character in the first screen is way too fast and erratic but becomes much better when the movement type changes. Going into the second screen the pixel art style completely changes, which feels a bit weird. some things starting from the second screen are a bit hard to make out, and I have no idea what the enemies are supposed to be.  I really did enjoy the rock pushing puzzles starting from the second room though, the fact that the enemies move only when you do helps the puzzle be better too. Overall I liked the puzzles, but I feel like the secondary theme wasn't represented much at all.

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I've used pygame a few times before, so starting the game wasn't so hard. When I started the game and heard no audio I just assumed it wasn't added, but when I walked further down and the music started I got really spooked for a second. Unfortunately when the monster did appear, it got caught on a locker and couldn't chase me. There are item pickups, but they feel super pointless, unless the monster is supposed to run into them to get stunned or something, but I wasn't able to test that. I got a bit disappointed when I finished the game and it was just a (Spoilers ahead:) arrow in the ground pointing to a clippable wall to the exit. I think you did the best on the secondary theme and the art style was mostly pleasing to the eye.  Overall, not too bad. Also if you want to make it easier for people to open your game I would recommend compiling it with either the PyInstaller or Nuitka library.

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My mind was blown when i thought my game was bugged and then I turned the camera with x. Fantastic intro to the game. First chapter is a different story though, as I spent well over 30 minutes trying to find the exit to no avail. If there were unique landmarks at different places around the level it would have most likely been much better, instead of just aimlessly walking around the level hoping to find the exit. I gave up without completing it.

The lack of much sound or music in the main gameplay actually makes the game better, and really brings out that eerie feeling.

Walking around the map i could tell that the game is 3d, not a fake 3d that is actually 2d game that would be on the Gameboy, which slightly lowers the gameboy soul rating for me.

Overall, an amazing game, the first submission I've played that has tried to be scary and succeeded, and incorporates the second theme extremely well.

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Art is extremely well done, I'm assuming the gameplay wasn't finished since its impossible to survive over a second, and I can't jump on to the other platforms and the player movement is way too slow compared to the monster. Everything other than the gameplay was done pretty well though, maybe focus on some of the gameplay first next time before putting too much time into everything else. Seriously though, the art and animation of the monster is really good. Also noticed that the monster in my game looks kind of similar.

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Thanks for enjoying the game! I don't really know what you mean about the game not being a perfect 10:9 aspect ratio. I made the base resolution 640 x 576, which should be 4x the size of 160 x 144.