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The game is very very cool! I loved the minimalist artstyle and the animations, especially the parry! The game needs some polish and bug fixes, plus a general pass on the artstyle to keep it cohesive throughout the game, but it has a lot of potential!

A couple of suggestions to improve the game even more:

  1. Change the text spawning animation speed (make it spawn faster) and also sound (use a shorter and less "acute", lower pitch sound, the repeated high pitch and long sound can get annoying, especially when the text animation takes this long);
  2. Make it so that the "next" button for the dialogue first makes all the text appear immediately, then if clicked again, makes you go to the next dialogue bit (like in other RPG games dialogue boxes);
  3. I found a bug where you can jump onto enemies head and stand there, with the enemy not attacking you but you being able to attack the enemies and defeating them very easily: to fix this, maybe you could make the enemies not have collision (make their collider a trigger collider so you can walk through them);
  4. Add a cooldown time to your parry, paired with an animation that shows you when you can parry again maybe (read below), and a sound too maybe.
  5. Add more animations and feedback to both the player's and enemies' actions, for example, add a clear feedback for when the enemy makes damage to your player (for example make the player flash white and have some knockback, plus add some hit sounds) and a feedback animation or sound also when you parry an enemy's move, kind of like in the parry/counter-attack for the Super Smash Bros games if you ever played them;
  6. Don't replay the same dialogue when a player dies and restarts the game, as there is no need for the player to read that again, plus it gets in the way if I just want to quickly retry and restart the game;
  7. As an additional tweak to make the parry animations even cooler (which is very easy to implement), I would suggest to make 2 black bars appear on the top and bottom of your screen every time your parry animation plays to make the parry feel more cinematic (but beware that the animation it may get too repetitive, test out if this makes the gameplay funnier or only less tedious).

As someone else pointed out already, the "expanding" theme of the jam was not considered for this game, but that's totally alight, you are still getting playtesters and useful feedback for your game this way, while also giving feedback to other games as well, and I respect that.

Please keep working on the game, it is very very fun to play, already has great animations, great game feel too, and minimalist but stylish graphics, it could be a great different take on the "Kingdoms" game genre with a martial art warrior instead of a knight, and I can see it getting pretty popular since there are not a lot of side scrolling RPG games out there. Very good job!


I agree with a lot of what you said! and I will try to fix many of the mistakes and release the full version. (Thank you very much for your feedback, criticism, and advice!)