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S.G.A.S entertaints

A member registered Aug 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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As for the theme, I included it in the storyline. Although it’s clichéd, I couldn’t come up with anything better. I decided that the king of one of the western countries started his expansion by conquering neighboring states. I planned to expand on this idea by including several boss fights where our character could learn new moves and expand his arsenal of martial arts, but unfortunately, I didn’t manage to do that. In the end, I decided that it was better to release a completed game than nothing at all.

You should create graphics, but even so, it looks interesting, especially if there was a storyline (and of course, good graphics).But there’s a problem: somewhere around waves 13 to 17, enemies have stopped appearing. Is this intentional or is it a bug?

I agree with a lot of what you said! and I will try to fix many of the mistakes and release the full version. (Thank you very much for your feedback, criticism, and advice!)

Yes, this game is clearly not for everyone (like me, who doesn't know the rules of all card games except UNO), but the visuals are great, and from what I understand, the interpretation of the theme is also top-notch(I really liked the minimalism of the graphics)

An interesting and amusing interpretation of the theme.That would fit well for the Play Market.

To be honest, I couldn't place anything on the tree. I don't know why; I tried all the buttons.

As for the theme, I included it in the storyline. Although it’s clichéd, I couldn’t come up with anything better. I decided that the king of one of the western countries started his expansion by conquering neighboring states. I planned to expand on this idea by including several boss fights where our character could learn new moves and expand his arsenal of martial arts, but unfortunately, I didn’t manage to do that. In the end, I decided that it was better to release a completed game than nothing at all.

Regarding the dialogues, I agree that it would be better to implement fast text scrolling. I simply decided to postpone that task and, unfortunately, forgot about it. You are right about the combat system — I had no prior experience developing a system with parrying, and I had gotten used to quickly rushing through the game by clicking the right mouse button at the right moments.

As for the final opponent, if you are referring to the king, then yes, he was indeed meant to be taken down in one hit, as he was in despair. I will try to learn more about Lerp. Overall, thank you for the feedback and evaluation. I hope I have answered some of your questions.

I think the same as Akihiko47

It was a lot of fun to solve your riddles

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Cool game that combines tower defense and vampire survival.(It would be nice if there was something similar to a storyline here (as John Carmack said: 'story in video games... oh, never mind, I won't quote it'))

I've already figured it out, but thank you for your response anyway.

The interpretation of the theme is excellent, but unfortunately, the gameplay feels a bit dull and monotonous.

I played your game it's interesting and has good puzzles, but unfortunately, most of the assets are not original (if not all), and the interpretation of the theme seems forced. I mean, as a puzzle, it could exist without this, and the darkness itself doesn't hinder gameplay

what can I say I really liked the game

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It’s a beautiful and interesting game. I liked that it seems to combine several retro games, although at first I didn’t understand where to go. To be honest, the controls are not very convenient; it might have been better to include a tutorial within the game.(It just seems to me that the emulator's controls are not suitable for dynamic games)

"The shooting mechanics are good, but the rest needs improvement, for example, reducing the camera sensitivity or the character's speed."

The puzzles were interesting. I liked them, but they were too easy because of the short duration of the game.

Your feedback made my day better, thank you very much!

Can you tell me how you exported the project in WebGl format? No matter how hard I try, I just can't understand how to do this.

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Far to the west, there is a country that has nearly consumed an eastern nation, expanding its borders and leaving a trail of blood in its wake

Once, this army passed through a forest, where there was a warrior who...

To attack, press the LMB.

If you want to parry an enemy, move closer to him and wait; you will know when to press RMB

thanks for the feedback :)

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Can you tell me how you exported the project in HTML format in Unity? No matter how hard I try, I just can't understand how to do this.

Спасибо всем кто играл и голосовал

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 почти сплакнул , но концовка была очевидна, в общем супер , мне понравилось 

ээээ........... ну ладно , мне не зашло 

Где ?

Звучит как полноценная игра, но нужно доработать так как диалоги локальны и не влияют на последующее события , но знаете если собираетесь выпускать игру в Steme, и расширите то я ваш первый покупатель👍

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интересно как трактовка темы "у всего есть последствия" вроде у всего есть последствия но финал тот же, а сценарии так себе и игра медленная - диалоги загружаются минуту

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визуал крут , но не заметил соответствие теме и геймплей слабоват 

ну а так прикольно (но минус за культизм) , отдельное спасибо за возможность играть онлайн

не знал что митм делал второй гейм джем 

многое пропустил

не оказывается  он через проверку шел или что то типа того

Спасибо , постараюсь сделать на юнити с собственной графикой

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игра про сказку красная шапочка , соответствие теме то что в игре каждый выбор героини влияет на концовку , всего в игре 8-10 концовок

если вы обнаружите ошибки, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать(например концовка не соответствует действию, и не забудьте описать )

так как игра была сделана в спешке, она вышла сырой, но я бы хотел доработать его на unity (под доработать я имею виду расширить и сделать свою графику)