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I really think the mechanic has lots of potential and deserves to be explored further. But I also think that you should probably ditch the physics based system (seems like it's based on some kind of rigidbody/joints system) and instead have a custom solution that handles the upper body and then updates the bones with something like a inverse kinematics system.

yeah, you are spot on, mu current solution relies on rigidbodies, which are impossible to control.

I think I would make it more 'tile-based' if that makes sense. Like, when you get a bone, you become 1 block taller, and extend 1 block further. I think that would work nicely for a puzzle game, but I'm ganna have to do some testing :))


Yeah tile-based sounds like it would make for an interesting puzzle game. Though I did like how dynamic and reactive/bouncy it feels as it is right now, so in my opinion it would be best to recreate that juicy feel without having the actual physics jank, if you know what I mean :D

hahaha, yeah, you are probably right!

Keep the feel and get rid of the jank :D