This is a really excellent short game! I love the pixel art and custom animations for waking up and grabbing the blanket. The music and sound effects are fantastic as well, this game has a wonderful ambiance to it. The sound effect that plays when the cat lands on the ground adds great feel to the jumping.
Two pieces of feedback from me: If you continue to improve on this game or make another platformer, try and get jump input buffering and coyote time into the character controller. They are small additions once you learn them, but improve game feel massively! Their absence isn't an issue here, but their inclusion will make your future games better.
On your way back after you get the blanket you also need to jump to a platform off screen. I don't think this is a major issue because they player already went down this way and *should* remember there's a platform there, plus you have the light, but I don't love having to jump on to a platform you can't see.
Outstanding job, really loved this one!