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May I ask where that Kibin (機敏) for Dexterity / Agility comes from? I mean, Chikara (力) for Strength / Power is sort of all right in this context, and so is Kiai (気合) for Willpower / Fighting Spirit; but I am wondering about using Kibin (機敏) here. Is there a specific reason behind choosing that certain word?

I had found it used for "Agile" but I could be viewing it in the wrong context. I have Kiyosa in my notes as well, though I'm not sure how I settled on Kibin. Is there a better word for it? (File is ready for editing!) -- Thanks!


I'm just curious, really. For reference, in D&D, STR is called Kinryoku (筋力) and DEX is Binshouryoku / Binshōryoku  (敏捷力); while in CoC, STR is also called Kinryoku (筋力) likewise, and DEX is Binshousei / Binshōsei (敏捷性), etc.

Oh, and what about Ryu as a currency? Is it perhaps supposed to be a fictional version of the original Ryou / Ryō (両)?


I like those for the abilities, will likely update. If it's good enough for D&D and CoC...

And good gravy, I did that with Ryo everywhere, didn't I? No idea how I got that wrong throughout, I know better. Thank you!


You can check the Japanese version of Cairn too if you need a reference.

For example:

頑健 Genken STR

敏捷 Binsho DEX

意思 Ishi WIL

Woah dang, that’s right! The community has already delivered. Thanks!