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(1 edit) (+1)

I am deeply disturbed by the theological implications of the premise!

That was fun! The art is proficient and charming, and the mechanics are competent.

Was the first ending slide, the one with the people running away, the only ending slide? I only ask because, as the ending came up, a horrific cacophony of very loud noises started playing for a whole minute, and it seemed really strange. It was as if the ending slides weren't playing but the ending sound had started multiple times. It might only be a problem on my end.

All-in-all, good work!


Heya, Indeed I believe there is a bug with the web verion. Windows build of the game (which we didn’t upload) does not have this bug, we only noticed the issue with the web version, at the last minute when we uploaded. Quite unfortunate. Indeed it sounds like the ending music is playing multiple times and makes the music we made for it unintelligible :(

SPOILER, this is what the ending of the game is supposed to sound like: