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(1 edit)

Well, first things first, congrats on managing to make a game in a limited span of time! It's hard, so I feel like it's worth starting with that.

The art is pretty well done for the most part, especially a fan of the art on the download page. It's pretty clear some talent did go into this thing. I'm a fan of when character's faces are covered in shadow, it's a nice look, and this game absolutely pulls off the look well.

The game has an interesting enough premise with an honestly kinda neat plot twist near the end, so the story, while pretty basic overall, gets the job done, if you ask me, which is like, y'know, pretty good.

The game felt a bit glitchy, but... uh, I think that's actually on purpose considering the game's plot, so congrats on pulling that off actually. It can be a fine line making a game feel glitchy on purpose without actually being broken in a way that prevents progression or something, and this game manages to avoid that. I was ultimately able to find my way through the game. (...I think, anyway. I'm not... entirely sure it's supposed to end like that actually, but I'm going to assume it was given the story. If it wasn't, well, I mean, it wasn't an unfitting ending. I'll take it.)

I did appreciate the attempt at variety and I actually did kind of like the whole like, setting up the table bit in particular, kind of an interesting idea.

Anyway... unfortunately, I did have some problems. And unfortunately probably more problems than positive things to say overall actually, so while for the positive parts I tried to be wordier to be more precise, for the negatives I'm going to try to get the list out of the way as quickly as possible.

Long story short, you didn't stick to the resolution because of the way the text boxes work, the choice of a fourth color that didn't fit the color ramp and was instead yellow was a bit odd, the fades break the color limit as well, and the game also boots at a size that makes the text unreadably small, and fullscreen and maximizing the window seem to be a bit broken. This unfortunately makes the game fail to meet the jam's requirements on resolution and color usage, as far as I'm aware. Kind of a bit of a fatal flaw to have, unfortunately.

Aside from that... the lack of music combined with the honestly ultimately rather empty in practice levels did make the actual gameplay a bit boring despite the attempts at variety, and it kind of wasn't doing a good enough job at feeling spooky. I also did notice a few too many grammar issues to even begin to list them all. I appreciate the attempt, but...

I was feeling the idea of this a lot more than the actual execution.

Still, maybe with a bit more time you could take this and turn it into something pretty cool, so I might suggest like... updating the game a bit after the jam? Outside the jam the color limit issues don't matter much, but you might be able to fix up issues like the grammar issues, the lack of music, and, if that was the ending, then making it more clear that the screen fading in and out in a pulsing pattern is in fact the ending, and if that... wasn't the ending, then fixing whatever it was that went wrong there. I feel like that must've been really close to the end either way mind you.

Anyway, best of luck on future projects!