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thanks a lot!! We do really appreciate your comments! ❤️

Good job on pushing yourself and let me know if I can help you about anything regarding the code on Git.

I looked it over and it looks like an engine i'm not familiar with was used, not sure how to interpret the code, but the lighting effect you achieved is something I've been chasing and unable to achieve for a long time!

(1 edit)

The engine is ExcaliburJS. About the lighting, since the library does not provide anything related, I achieved a similar (yet very, very raw) effect of "lighting" using a PostProcessing Shader. The approach is straightforward:

Let me describe the shader I used (here) using this stripped version:

// As uniforms, you need (at least)
uniform sampler2D u_image; // current image
uniform vec2 u_resolution; // screen resolution
uniform int u_lightCount; // light count
uniform vec2 u_lightPos[16]; // light position
uniform float u_lightIntensity[16]; // light intensity
in vec2 v_texcoord; // text coords 
out vec4 fragColor; // final color
void main() {
    // Here I get the current pixel color
    vec4 tex = texture(u_image, v_texcoord);
    // Compute pixel position
    // Since its a post processing effect, its fairly easy
    vec2 px_pos = vec2(v_texcoord.x * u_resolution.x, (1.0 - v_texcoord.y) * u_resolution.y);
    // Find intesity of lighting
    float maxIntensity = 0.0; // here you store the maximum
    for (int i = 0; i < u_lightCount; i++) { // iterate over lights
        vec2 lightPos = u_lightPos[i]; // get light pos (in screen coordinates!)
        float lightIntensity = u_lightIntensity[i]; // get light intensity
        vec2 diff = lightPos - px_pos; // compute distance vector
        float dist = length(diff); // get magnitude of the distance vector
        // Enter only if in light range
        if (dist < lightIntensity) {
            float dOverI = (dist / lightIntensity); // divide by maximum distance to get value between 0 and 1
            float intensity = (dOverI > 0.75) ? 0.5 : 1.0; // set intesity to half above 75% of distance
            maxIntensity = max(maxIntensity, intensity); // update maximum
    // Set final pixel color using intesity
    fragColor.rgb = tex.rgb * maxIntensity;
    fragColor.a = tex.a; // alpha is untouched

It's pretty simple and rough but can get the job done in less time than a solid lighting equation.

Let me know! If you need anything more, send me an email and we can share discord handles and chat there!

Wow javascript huh?  That's amazing.  I guess I need to learn post processing and shaders, thank you so much!