Great game! Enjoyed it a lot. The writing feels a bit too heavy handed and not subtle at times haha but I still loved it - seeing the various characters experience the storm and interact with each other was a ton of fun!!
The early game is a struggle but if you make the right decision you can have a really prosperous shelter, I had like 254 survivors with a lot of food and extra building material by the end (': it felt rewarding knowing that I made the right choices when it comes to preparation so I could endure well against bad events like losing half of my food! I also felt the choices were really good and clear.
If I can ask, how did you balance the food system? :D I get that every working survivor consumes one food, but how much food does each survivor gathers? three? I thought it was extremely well balanced!! the building material system was very well balanced too.
Overall a fantastic jam entry, one of my favorites!!