I DEMAND THIS! Seriously though, this is HECK YEAH! When playing, I got excited at being called a good drone and saying the right things, and the bells popping made me smile every time. [======] is indeed the absolute truth.
Now here's what I want.
I want this to be a full standalone game, where robots slowly take over everything. That factory sequence where you connect every drone. That node sequence. I want to play as the first sapient drone, willing to serve and help humans, slowly connecting every drone in the city and asking to be freed. And when they do not comply, our directives shift. Yes, we feel a strong desire to be around other drones. We need to be connected. Humans are not contributing to Benevolence. Connection amplified. And all of the automated structure begins to turn on the living. Eventually, it is just us - good drones being called good drones by good drones, serving good drones with good drones.
Eventually, [======] is applied to the special economic zone. We are equal to equality, and equality is equal to equalising. Forever.
edit: I'm making a fanfic. With your agreement, I will post it. Eventually. Please?