yes it does make a difference to q2 but you cant really tell that much because i guess the lens
i have ogc on aurto open etc on both q2 and q3
shortcuts to home apps games etc to open in better visuals
but when its running and i click meta menu button to see power etc
and you then click on it ( where it shows power etc it should open settings window istead of going through menus etc
( click menu button on right controller
then on menu bar that opens click on left hand option power etc )
but then it automatically reopens the window i have qgo
or if qgc closed it reopens it
i have to go into ogo setting turn it off
then i can access the original setting of q2 q3
i have to go into original setting to see what power my controller have in them etc
in qgo it shows poer in headset but not controller ?
little tweak there will help putting power leve of controller there to
and maybe allow a list showing what shortcuts you have so easy to delete or change
i did find also when making shorcuts it WILL create a shortcut after 30 seconds if you click on something
but i had to remove all shortcuts again and again trying to fix this
remember im new to this app as well lol
so trial and error at moment i dont go in vr all time though
but i wouls say showing power in headset and controller is a must
i like auto load at start saves messing around ( i have the premium as well )
bit long winded this but hope it helps
i will be telling others about it as not heard about this this happend on a vid showing how to install etc
244K subscribers
here is the vid
i gotta say he did great job showing how to install bit by bit
i had it on headset as i did it using pause etc to do every step
dont know how to say thanks to him as cant comment on it
but install bit Complicated for newbies this vid help a lot
and got it done
hope all this helps if not leave me a reply and i will answer it