Okay, sorry for the runaround on this one, I've managed to find the problem.
The last three plugin parameters do not contain the proper default values. Instead of containing [], they are simply blank. Until you add values to these plugin parameters manually, or simply click on each one and then click 'ok', the plugin doesn't load at all. I have uploaded a revision c to v1.10 to correct this issue.
It wasn't happening in the demo project because those parameters have items in them in my demo, but not by default when importing the plugin into a fresh project. Before even loading the title screen, the error console would throw the following error - which indicated the exact place I had messed up:
This is from trying to parse an object that isn't an array. Apologies for assuming that there was something wrong with your project, and not my own. The updated version is already available for download, if you'd head on over there and confirm for me that it works.:)