I have several issues with your reply, which only cements that the issue that you had with the engine is that they are "woke". This makes absolutely no sense. How do you even assess that "they use to much energy for politics and their agenda/activism"
Also, don't you see that Godot is mainly built by volunteers? Why should a Twitter post even matter, it was made by the Community Manager! And they already addressed the bannings.
But the most important thing: Godot is a tool, first and foremost. If you don't want to be involved in drama then just don't. You chose to be when you made this blog post. You are doing the the exact opposite of what you said: 'I don't feel like having political discussions when I am working with Godot, and I don’t have time for this either."
Just think it through, and maybe you'll actually see how you are not making any sense and just needlessly involving yourself in this.