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(6 edits) (-1)

Hello Zellator,
first I need to say, the software still works and will be still available in the future. When you bought the software? So, I need to check at which time you bought the software, because if it’s to long time ago, it will be hard, because I also must pay taxes and give there part.
Also, until now I didn’t get a refund request from Did you start this request already?

If it was recently, I will have no problem with a refund.

And to the rest of you post, I would like to say some small things to it:
As you can see, I started already with the Union Bytes Painter 2024 Version, I also increased the performance. And I was happy to work on it again, I had fun.
Of course, this incident was not the only reason, but It’s the current biggest one and pissed me of.
Especially the reaction from the Godot Foundation is a pure joke! Aside from this, I waited a really long time for a requested features like drawable textures or texture buffers, which would increase the possibles for this a lot like size and performance. But they use to much energy for politics and their agenda/activism, with this they lost a lot of contributors.
Just on 23 September 2024 they (Godot) wrote: “As a reminder, we are always in need of more help. The rendering team is very small and none of us are working on the renderer full-time. …”

For me, what they did was super stupid and unnecessary. And if I can’t work with one group of people, then it’s the stupid ones or people who are blinded by any ideology! In order to communicate with someone, I need a minimum of logical thinking skills. 
If Godot want to be an activist and ban everyone wo says "Focus on the engine!", okay, but without me!

I’m already long time with Godot, I guess it was since 2019, before this I wrote my own OpenGL \ Vulkan Engine. I was always unhappy with the way\speed it developed. But the community was cool, and the Engine is light weighted.
This was the last straw! I don’t get the features I need, and they divide the community further.

Kind regards


Are you seriously this upset about twitter drama? :Ddddd

(2 edits) (-1)

No, by far not. ^^
But I have a Problem with the result out of it and the future of Godot.

I also have no problem with the start post of the CM from Godot itself. I have a problem with the reaction to other posts they had, the answer of the Godot foundation and what impact this will have on the future of Godot. Also only one side was blocked while the other was much more extremist and had a much more violent\nasty language. If you do this, do it on both sides!

And personally, I don't want to be part of an activist group that is even "supported" by the Godot Foundation. <- Just my personal feelings ;-)

Sorry, I'm also trying not to write too long replies anymore, because it seems, that some people can't extract the important information out from them and maybe misunderstand me. Or, maybe it's just because English is not my native language. :)

Kind Regards



I have several issues with your reply, which only cements that the issue that you had with the engine is that they are "woke". This makes absolutely no sense. How do you even assess that "they use to much energy for politics and their agenda/activism"

Also, don't you see that Godot is mainly built by volunteers? Why should a Twitter post even matter, it was made by the Community Manager! And they already addressed the bannings.

But the most important thing: Godot is a tool, first and foremost. If you don't want to be involved in drama then just don't. You chose to be when you made this blog post. You are doing the the exact opposite of what you said: 'I don't feel like having political discussions when I am working with Godot, and I don’t have time for this either."

Just think it through, and maybe you'll actually see how you are not making any sense and just needlessly involving yourself in this.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hi Zellator,

okay, so I never said the I problems with Godot wokeness. I mean since years they made rainbow flags everywhere and changed the discord icon regularly to it. So, for me it was always clear that Godot is “woke”, and I had absolutely no problem with that.

But I have a massive problem in how they handled it. Blocking people who just said, they should focus on the engine, is censorship and totalitarianism. Just look at the twitter post they blocked. A lot of them are neutral!
There is a reason Redot was pushed out now, even if they planned already a long time to do it, but it was just a plan so far, as I understood. And the Feedback to it was huge and massively positive.

And YES, I have a personal problem with censorship and totalitarianism, for me it doesn’t matters from which side there are coming, left or right! I don’t want to live in a world, where other people tell me, what I have to think. And as I said the Godot Foundation supports in MY eyes this censorship and totalitarianism by keeping this CM and the non-apology apology. The CM failed on each aspect of the job.

Yes, it’s made by volunteers. But, did you see that a lot of people moved to Redot? I must be honest; I don’t understand totally how this works with the forks (Will they benefit from each other? Or will they separate more and more?), but if a part of the community separates, I assume it’s a problem. And as I posted before they said by themselves, that they have less people for the render pipeline work already.

So, of course, it’s the sum of all the problems I mentioned. But this Drama showed me, which way Godot will still going! And yes, I will see this also as a chance to evolve myself and learn something new. I was already long time not sooo happy with Godot anymore.

Please understand me, this “drama” is not the only reason, but it is a reason and a big catalyst for it. Like the maker of redot said.
I also think, like mentioned on X(twitter), this action is, more or less, a purge and the community will drift more in one direction.

We have different opinions, on the amount of impact, this will have to the Engine and this is legit. But from my point of view, this will be a bigger one. I guess such dramas will repeat even if they will not all be public. Also, because the CM seem to be “on the right at this point”, it will get more conflicts.

And to the last part you wrote: “If you don't want to be involved in drama then just don't. …“ I need to say I do, I will not post anything more about it or get more involved. BUT I will always respond to my customers here on try to explain my decisions. I will not be involved in any conversation about this outside of it.

Kind regards