Oh so you know everything! T-T Thank you so much!
You were original in choosing Blackthorn\Wilton! I was absolutely sure that people would hate his arrogance and choose him second last (before finishing with Credence, who is THAT guy, ahaha, one step away from becoming a real bad villain, who hates women, people in general, and so on. Thank God he made a different choice in the end.)
But, as you may now know, their 'bad' selves aren't their actual selves. :) They are, in a way, personificatons of their desires so they twist their natural personalities. Wilton is actually not that cynical. In fact, he is hopeful. Heinz isn't malicious. He can be very kind. And so on.
I am seriously impressed you're curious about Anthony\Ambrosius. He is a truly despicable villain, who is, interestingly, a military man without grand military convictions or plans. Ironically, the danger of his character lies not in his delusion of grandeur, but in his pettiness and revenge on his hometown, which make him quite unique, I'd say, because it turns a 'military archetype' on its head. Most military villains are more megalomaniac and unemotional, but there he is... A creature. A crafty, lustful, needy monkey. A sometimes sentimental, cruel monkey. And that's what's scary.
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed all the routes! :D
I will definitely correct all my mistakes somewhere in the second half of October, I just can't do it now because of my new job. T-T But it should be edited by Halloween, hopefully!
I am also slowly starting to post about this project (and others) on tumblr so you may follow me there if you want. I may post voicecasts there, if you're curious, plus various tidbits about development.
The blog name is https://saintatomique.tumblr.com/
There's not much there currently, but I will post more soon.