Hello! First of all, I really appreciate the in-depth feedback and constructive criticism! I'll try to address a few of the things you pointed out below:
First, I'm glad you really enjoyed the atmosphere of the game!
• The door collision is definitely something that irks me aswell, but I had problems with implementing collision for them before. I'll definitely look into that in the future and try to find a solution!
• I probably won't implement a typical pause menu with inventory and stats and such, but I'll probably make it so that pressing Start pauses the game.
• Still haven't figured out a solution to the Charge Shot flickering not staying on when you change screen, but I hope I can fix that in the future aswell.
• That scanning Virtus behavior is definitely a bug, I'll fix it as soon as possible, thanks for pointing that out!
• The Escudo thing is because I need to reset the scene, because I can't make Actors have collision that behaves like a wall, I need to completely load a different scene. I could probably solve that by saving the Player Position before the scene reset though... will look into it!
• Don't think there's really a solution for the Jellite problem, I'll just need to be more careful with their placement, and make it so the player can't reach them from below I guess!
• Platform behavior is intended, it only happens if you're at max speed, even though it's not very noticeable, there's a slight acceleration to the character, so if you don't stop holding left or right, you can cross small gaps like that, could be interesting for speedrunning aswell!
• The log sprite running in place will be fixed, thanks for pointing it out!
As for the other feedback:
• There will only be 3 shooting minigame sequences, they can be replayed by selecting "Reminisce" at the Player Ship menu, if you're so inclined to gather all the Insignias (Since a few of them require you to accomplish certain things in the shooting minigames).
• I wanted to keep the gameplay kind of "simplistic", and also I need the D-Pad so the player uses the different shot upgrades. I wanted to avoid using button combos and such, since that could get kind of overly complicated for a Gameboy game.
• My intention was to make Scanning kind of a risky thing to do, you need to get up close and personal with the creatures to collect their logs!
• You're right, I'll probably increase the jump height a bit more so the Player can reach the same height as the platforms!
• The pause menu with all those tabs implemented in it is currently out of scope for me, but who knows in the future it might happen! For now, it'll have to stay like that. Also, I want the player to really pay attention to the maps and try to memorize rooms, or even write the layout down on paper (kind of harkening back to old times ahah), so that people don't overly rely on opening up a map menu ingame everytime they get a bit lost.
• I'll add a message once you save the game saying that the player health has been replenished!
• I'll have to investigate that Gloop problem, I can't recall ever seeing that happen...
• That makes sense, I'll do some test with adding a "charging" state and a "fully charged" state to the Player character.
• Virtus should be dropping an HP refill, so that's another thing that's not supposed to happen, will fix!
• Will look into implementing the ??? text to Warp Points!
Thank you so much for all the feedback, I really appreciate it! And I hope you enjoy the rest of the demo!