If you don't mind my asking, how are you planning on using this feature?
so there's this project I'm working on where I'm planning to implement a (very limited, don't get too excited) parser IF engine in decker, and I spent a while trying to set up a thing where one field widget would show the player's inputs/engine's outputs and a second field widget would show the line number like in a text editor and then there'd be a slider widget which would be able to scroll both fields in sync with each other. ultimately I scrapped this feature because I realised it was pointlessly overcomplicated and I could achieve my actual aim of making new lines more obvious by just adding like a `> ` character to the start of each line, but it'll still be handy to be able to automatically jump to specific line numbers (currently i've set it up to automatically scroll to the bottom of the field when switching between pages by just setting the scroll to an absurdly high number, so I'll definitely be able to use scrollto for that at least; also in my database fiction engine I still need to fix it'll be useful to allow the search function to link to specific lines without doing calculations) (p.s. the actual reason I think I couldn't get the first solution to work is because there isn't a way to turn off word wrap, although maybe I could do something complicated with adding a space every x characters. idk if it's like that for a reason so no worries if it is but that would be my feature request..!)
Interesting! I won't promise anything, but I'll give these use cases some thought. Thanks for filling me in on this, and as always don't hesitate to reach out on the forums if you run into any trouble using the new bits and pieces!
One thing to keep in mind for parser-based IF might be to take advantage of inline images in rich text. The chat contraption pre-renders all its text snippets into inline images with IM-like borders; this would also make it possible to use color. The downside is not being able to select/copy/paste text or have working links within each image. For simpler applications you can also use inline images to provide things like the bullet points in the indices for some of my recent tutorial decks.