- Yes, I initially used the Suggestions topic that I created a year ago to give you my new suggestions but since I got no reaction from you and I didn't know that you saved the link for later, I thought that maybe you were no more notified for old topics so I copied-pasted my new posts into a new topic, hoping that you would notice this one, and deleted them from the old topic. And because I keep thinking about things even after I express them, I use to modify my posts upon thinking about things that I didn't initially think about so if the comment that you saved was longer, that means that upon reading it, I thought that some things were too much and cut them off, it is likely to be something I do.
- Then how did you think about this name if it doesn't mean anything to you? And by the way, why don't you use your creator name here in Itch?
- Wait, did you say "in some years"?!? Do you mean that you plan to make the completion of Renryuu Ascension to take more years again?!? Renryuu Ascension has definitely become a vaporware, a game that we wait for years and whose development has no end... T_T
- Aaaw, don't you like the name Love Shield? :-3 Anyway, thank you for your consideration, I appreciate it. :-)
- Actually, you called it "Light Shield". :-3 So you mixed 2 skills? Then maybe you already wanted to make the Spear of Light and the Shield of Light that I suggested? ;-3
- Well, I explained why, because Destroy Undead is not an elemental spell, it is a specifically targeted at undeads spell, so it has nothing to do with elemental magic which is Chiyo's specialty as an elementalist sorceress, it is Mira's specialty as she kinda is the party exorcist, is what I tried to say.
- I hate this word, "later".
- Of course. Just as I thought, it was all part of your plan, you thought about everything from the beginning. :-3 Jokes aside, are you impressed how deeply I think about Renryuu Ascension? ;-)
- Well, the best healer is Mira and her healing skills are just miserable so she is useless anyway. Also, refusing to add efficient healing items in order to make Mira mandatory in the battle party means that you force everyone to choose her as there is no efficient alternative, meaning no real choice. This is why, for the sake of players' freedom, it is important to always offer alternatives. Also, you say that giving more power to the party would make battles too easy but currently, battling strong enemies is really too hard. And I don't mean hard as enjoyable challenge, I mean hard as unfair punishment! What I am trying to tell you is that, right now, the party is unfairly useless and you need to rebalance it as soon as possible for the sake of making battles enjoyable challenges instead of unfair punishments.
- Well, to make every character overpowered, they would have to be powerful already. Which is far off the reality as of now. For example, I suggested a Gentle Rain skill for Chiyo as an elementalist sorceress because facing Shika and Funeral in battle is unfairly hard because my party cannot do anything against their burning effect which is a permanent state which deals an insane amount of damage each turn and I cannot afford to use all of my turns to heal everyone one by one, which is also why I need to be able to heal at least 50% HP for everyone at once in order for everyone to have enough HP to be able to actually strike back instead of wasting all of my turns to heal everyone, this is why I need to be able to heal at least 50% HP for everyone at once and some counter-measures against some effects which deal an insane amount of damage because everyone in my party is so weak!
- Oh, come on, we barely know them. For examples, how and why did they learn magic? Ryia masters so powerful thunder magic that she was able to defeat even such a skilled assassin as Kurohime. Linda knows how to create a magical ring able to protect a snow-woman against heat. Mirel learned her earth magic skills from Flora. How and why did maids learn to master magic? Also, they used to stay in touch with the previous headmaid, Vivian's mother, and wrote letters regularly to each other, but they didn't get any reply from her anymore for a while. What happened to her? Also, what is it that Bess has been looking for Ryia by the herbalist for years? And we still didn't get any chance to be intimate with Louise. We really don't know much about them even though they are the very first women who offered themselves to Ryen as soon as king Ryen's story began, meaning that they are the very first women that we experienced romantic intimacy with, even before any of the party women, and, even though they have not accompanied him in his adventures, they have been staying around him from the very beginning, so they definitely are the most important women outside the party and they deserve a lot more attention and love! There, you said it all: "I have way too many side characters in the game". Indeed, this is exactly the point that I wanted to address, too many empty characters, too much time spent on adding more of them and not enough time spent to deepen anyone. You have been privileging quantity over quality, turning your game into a "made in China" product, losing its originality and its soul, you have been drowning it under an endless amount of characters but all pointless because you didn't actually deepen anyone, everyone in your world is empty currently, this is the result of privileging quantity over quality and this is why I requested you to stop adding more new characters and take care of the ones who have been there from the beginning already, in order to fulfill their emptiness and give them a soul, in short, I am asking you to switch your priorities from quantity to quality, in order to restore Renryuu Ascension back to the wonderful experience it originally was. :-) I'm glad that you are talking about love. It is a word that I haven't seen anymore in Renryuu Ascension for a long time and I have missed it. And when you say that they will have to wait for a long time, you mean that we will have to wait for a long time, that is what makes it so frustrating... Oh really, you haven't forgotten Lace and Irlina? Well, that's great, I'm sure they will totally believe it and be overjoyed to hear that after having been rotting in a dungeon for years. I feel the need to remind you that they already were high up in your to do list a year ago already and all that you have been adding into your world for a year is meaningless tasteless sex so I have good reasons to worry about them.
- You said the exact same thing a year ago already: "my absolute priority is the women in the party" and take a look at where we are now. It has been a year since you claimed it to be "your absolute priority" and you didn't make much progress with them. And why? Because you were too busy adding more and more meaningless tasteless uninspired sex scenes with more and more strangers. Is that how you treat your priorities?
Finally a good new! At last! Especially since you talk about love, so we can expect a romantic scene like we have been missing from the good old days at last! Finally! It has been a while since we got to experience a romantic scene, now I definitely am looking forward for the next update! ^L^
- Oh so it was all Patreon's fault if everything got delayed and you spent a year making nothing but uninspired sex scenes! I knew that Patreon was evil! Well, as a matter of fact, it was all your fault for promising rewards which took you all of your time and hindered your progress so you did well to stop this madness. Still a shame that it took a year to do the right thing though so I expect you to reward our patience with quality content from now on. ;-) Actually, I kinda guessed already that you were making all of these sex scenes for your patrons and that it was the reason why they were so uninspired. Because you didn't make them out of passion, you made them out of duty. I mean that you made them not because you were inspired to make new scenes but because you had to make them since you promised them. So you kinda made them all against your will as you actually wanted to focus on something else but couldn't because these Patreon rewards were taking you all of your time. Once again, you prove me right as I warned you when I saw this coming a year ago. Well, I didn't expect to be so right on the mark to be honest, I have impressed even myself this time. ;-3 I have nothing against the patron characters but I think you really need to rewrite every scene to make each of them special and not all the same.
- There, once again, you said it all: "it feels quite difficult for me to have unique descriptions for dozens of sex scenes". So you agree that you have been privileging quantity over quality as you have been making dozens of sex scenes but all the same as you didn't have ideas to make them unique. This is why all of them feel so unsatisfying. Fortunately, the CGs are good, so you only need to rewrite the scenes with more inspiration. :-) If you are out of ideas for sex scenes then play other eroge, read adult visual novels and watch romantic hentai to get inspiration useful to make quality sex scenes worthy of Renryuu Ascension. ;-)
"Usually the same thing happens, you thrust your dick into a girl. ^^“" -> This is definitely not something you would have said when you started creating Renryuu Ascension. How do I know? Simple. Ask to yourself. Play your own game and experience the first sex scenes that you created. Then you will remember. You will remember how different your sex scenes used to be. How romantic. How lovely. How sweet. Then you will understand everything I have been trying to tell you. If I failed to make you remember how you used to make sex scenes then I trust your original self will success.