I love how this game has a wrapper and helps to make this game feel like it's a full experience. I also appreciate that the cover of the game looks great. I love that the intro animation is kinda a jump scare as well and really adds to the halloween nature of the game.
This game looks really great as a Vampire survivor clone. I wish that the candy was easier to collect.
For the aiming I wish that there was a reticle to know roughly where you are aiming.
I understand that the candy probably needs to disappear for performance reasons but it would be nice if you were able to combine the candy into one larger candy that doesn't disappear which is what I believe vampire survivors does.
For the menu, I wish that there was a restart run or something similar. Especially if there isn't the weapons that you want.
I wish that there was at least some form of tutorial or "How to Play" This could be added to the menu screen and just has the basic controls.
Overall this game feels like it could be a fully polished game for the playdate! There are definently some things that could be changed along with some balance, but overall this is a really strong start to something that could become a full game!