Original idea with a satisfying feel. Agree with Boblobbyslob; there's a certain satisfaction that comes from the SFX when the hammer goes down. However, I cannot exactly say the same for how it moves and controls. It feels jerky and disconnected. I got the impression that the mouse clicks always registered at the location of the mouse, but the hammer was not following 1:1. Not a bad thing, just an odd feeling perhaps? It overall lended to a feeling of jerkiness; I'm not sure how you'd fix it or if it's just a personal taste thing. I want to make it clear, that's my singular gripe with the gameplay. Strictly a little 'feeling' thing. It's got that "one more round" feel that is dangerous.
At the end of the day though, it was fun and it felt different! This was a special and unique game, a combination of puzzle and whack-a-mole that worked really well. As a solo entry, it's all the more impressive!
Great job!
btw, all that time in Aimlabs finally paid off?