Hilarious, fun, and goofy! A must play, if I were in the jam I would rate it 4 walls out of 5.
Genya Games
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By far one of my favorite entries of the jam. I was watching your progress in the Discord and thought what you two (I think?) were cooking up looked fascinating. It did not disappoint in the slightest. I found it super engaging, with my biggest complaint being that I just wanted a little more. That's a my favorite problem for a game jam entry to have.
My two pieces of feedback are pretty small:
- The controls and credits being presented in a circle around you at the beginning was cool, but maybe a little unfriendly in terms of accessibility and ease-of-use? Definitely novel though.
- Were the gnomes every supposed to go hostile? I'm not sure they ever attacked me? Am I monster for killing all the gnomes? Or was that a bug?
The sounds were all super satisfying, the aesthetic was primo, and the gameplay loop was addictive. I would be over the moon if your team expanded the game and added a little more variety to the progression, maybe a few more enemies and decorations. Hats off to you, thank you for submitting this one.
I really liked that! Yes, it was super easy to get lost, but I didn't mind because the map was so small. My only real gripe was that the jump just felt a little tedious with how precise it was. I'm not sure if there was coyote time or not, but it could help make it feel a little more forgiving on that front. That being said, the pace of getting you back into playing on any fall into death was so snappy, I really didn't mind much. You were back at it and exploring quickly.
Nice job!
Amazing art, amazing music, but the game is definitely a little hard to control because of the desync between animations, inputs, and hitboxes. I think with some adjustments and tweaks to the how the mechanics play out functionally and you'll have a top tier game on your hands.
Ultimately, it's still all super impressive to me. It's a really original idea and a fun interpretation of the theme. I would love to see your team give it a little update post-patch. Thank you for submitting.
Pretty fun overall! The one puzzle piece hidden behind an object was my sole complaint. It was really just a question of darkness that I struggled to find it and I had found my self going to all corners and clicking on everything. That being said, it was otherwise very clever and I loved some of the puzzles. The aha moment when I realized I could have objects maintain their orientation when going through the mirror was excellent. Great job.
Pretty ambitious for a solo 3d project! I really like it overall. Everyone else already said, but sound was very much missed, but so it goes. The puzzles were simple, but nice and I thought the triggering the reflection then just moving controlled nicely and made it not finicky. Unlike some reflection-based games, I felt like as soon as the puzzle was solved in my head, I had it solved in game, which is a good feeling. Great job!
Good music, good core loop, and a good amount polish overall. I would like a few more SFX (gun firing, death sounds etc.), but it was feature complete. I think the color palette made the game super harsh to look at for me. Just a matter of personal taste, but it was a little much.
Overall, super impressive and a great entry.
I really, really loved this. There were a lot of charming little details, such as the bubbles approaching and following you as you got close enough, down to the intro stand-up and camera movement. While, I obviously wish there was more, this was slick as all hell.
Great job, especially for doing it solo!
For me, it felt as though the game speed was a touch too high and made it feel perhaps a bit too squirrelly and hard to control.
The charm was there in spades, I loved the music and the overall idea. I'll also echo the sentiment though, that it was hard to understand and parse when the laser could fire and for how long it could fire.
Nice entry though! Hope to see y'all around in future jams :)
Possibly my favorite thing here was being able to continuously get smaller and smaller until both my character and the enemies were tiny. I feel like the upgrades typically associated with being "good upgrades" in a game like this became liabilities and a potentially mediocre upgrade like just being smaller became huge benefits.
Also your bullet sprite was very fun! Thank you for submitting.
Thank you for playing. The shader has been removed in a patch (someone screen-recorded the flashing and it was not good, so I wanted it out in case of seizures.). On desktop the background was more pleasant imo, but in the browser it got weird. The shader was also the source of the loading speeds being dismal? Go figure!
The tooltips on the skills took way too long to pop up. They should have been instantaneous, so mistake on my part for sure.
I really loved that you could shoot yourself. I personally love mechanics that let you mess up and make you stop and think about how you approach something. Your first instinct is like, hell yeah, guns blazing, but that will basically be a death sentence.
Simple, good fun and I really loved that the art was simple but stylish and very clear to parse and understand. It was helpful as the chaos levels ratcheted up. Great stuff :)
Great narrative. I liked how the changes to the narrative were fairly impactful. Simple and slick; my only note is that I wish there was a little more, but that's a great problem to have!
Also I took a gander at your code and it's not thaaaat spaghettified. It's quite clean for jam code imo, so hats off there too :)
Thank you for playing.
I probably wasted too much time debating what rate of leveling was acceptable, so it was hard to balance.
Long story short on the final level repeating has to do with why there is a bug fix. Turns out a shader issue was messing up load times and performance, so i ended up having to do a last minute refactor of how the level progression worked. Kinda sucks, but that’s how it goes.
PSX style graphics aren't for everyone, but I thought it was top-notch. Definitely an all-story kind of affair, but it was short and very to the point. The level-design played into that as well.
Possibly the best thing about the whole game though is the usage of the color palette. Just phenomenal and really enhanced the experience.
Great, great job!
The goose tempted me in! Great atmosphere and the layout of the haunted house was very solid.
As others mentioned, I'm not sure if fixing the car was bugged or certain parts just didn't work or weren't necessary? Through the teeth perhaps? My single biggest fixable note would be that the items blocking the flashlight maybe felt a little too punishing. I even like the idea that they block the light or your vision a little, but maybe it was too much.
Pretty killer entry all things considered. Can't wait to see what y'all cook up next time.
God, that one room was awful in the best way. You captured some of the highlights of PT into a lo-fi 3D game. I am so glad I snuck this in before the end of the ja. What a game! The end was perfect imo in "pull the rug out from under you" kinda way. You also absolutely nailed the directional audio in my opinion.
More please! Great first time!
This was addictive. Like I had to stop myself.
My singular note is that the progression seems static in terms of which ones spawn. Ie, the spawn tables seem to never change weighting imo. It would be nice if at the end you saw mostly the Three Head, Hooded Lurker, etc. (sorry if I'm getting the names wrong!) since by the time you get kitted out, the beginner ones are trivial! That's it.
If this had existed when I was in middle school there is no saying how much time I would have spent on it. It's got that correct blend of chill and active. You designed a very good core mechanic and upgrade system.
Proof of how much I played:

Great job :)
Top notch simple pixel art and good core gameplay loop. As others mentioned, the ghost's unpredictability meant that sometimes I wasn't certain how it would move and why I got hit. This lead to some "cheap feeling" deaths and a difficulty curve that felt a little off.
I know it was probably frustrating for some people, but I liked the obscuring of important things by dark in this case. You left a clear message in the tutorial to look out and search for hidden things, so I was looking. An alienating choice possibly, but I liked it!
Great example of how a simple art style can go big with a little atmosphere! Great job.
Been saving this one for the end as a treat! I mean... I was watching the models and animations come together in the Discord and really loved what I saw. The SFX were quite nice, although occasionally there were little unexpected details (like the big bad creepy-crawly doll's positional audio was often misleading), but they didn't really detract.
I would say the only two meaningful pieces of feedback I have interestingly I think apply to my own game: invisible sprint cooldowns feel better with some panting SFX to let you know you are restoring stamina and have refilled your meter. And the map maybe feels a little too empty aside from dolls to possess? Some more interactables or decorations could help flesh things out. It's a jam though, so it's a small note.
Very, very impressive entry. I will echo a few other comments from vpeter1119 and say this is a worthy candidate to go "full game" if your team is interested. Great job!
Phenomenal tone, art, music, and writing. The visual style for me was probably the best thing. Super clear and coherent and tied together. I saw a few posts from you in the In-Progress channel of the Discord and wondered what you were cooking up.
This is a weird one because the gameplay is a little tedious, but I felt like it was supposed to be a little tedious. I mean you are cleaning the park and have a kind of bittersweet mission to it. So it really makes up for that dip in fun factor for that reason.
One small note: the audio was in general perfect, but there was a really rough trebly quality to the clippers that started to hurt my ears a bit. I don't mind some weird or funky noises, but it really stood out.
Great job, very good work. The more I think about it, the more I like it.
I'm so sorry for the delayed response! So the specific bug will be potentially hard to recreate.
In the Mushroom painting, I had collected all but two mushrooms and was going from the 3rd room (with the big mushroom who is lonely) back into the second room. I hugged a little to close to the edge of the tree tunnel and when the scene/camera transition occurred, the player model seemed to clip into a decoration mushroom in the tunnel. No matter how I rotated or moved, I could not 'unclip' myself. Fortunately, the load feature got me back in quick.
I suspect that it was not a stateful glitch and more just unfortunate geometry and physics interactions.
Simple gameplay, but effective atmosphere. You did a good job with the art and atmosphere. It helped that everything was maximally cohesive, it all just clicked and made sense together.
The play space was large, but I feel like that added to the bewildering nature and the game definitely seemed to mess with your perception and placement within the space (I distinctly remember changing location once in a seamless and head-scratching way. My one note would be that a little outro piece of music would have been nice for the ending. The endless ambience had kind of run its course by that point. Small nitpick, though. Very quality stuff.
Great entry!
I'll echo what others said, the vibe was great (spooky, spoopy, and a little goofy) and the idea is nice, but it was just a little hard to parse. I think maybe the directional audio didn't work right in the browser possibly. Whenever I died, I wasn't quite sure what I had done wrong.
There was also an odd lag spike on trying to interact, not sure if that's just browser lag or an optimization issue.
Great job, especially on the visuals, and thank you for submitting.
Another original game, one that I appreciated since I am not the best with circuit logic and can sometimes get twisted up when looking at schematics. So honestly, as a testing and learning tool, I genuinely appreciated it.
The art and audio were simple, but effective. The haunted part was definitely a little shoehorned in, but you made it work with the little bonus flourishes and silly bits.
Lowkey, I would be stoked if you make this into a serious (in usage, not tone) real IRL training tool for people to use.
Wow, thank you for all the detailed notes!
- Yeah, the banish mechanic is the first thing that is getting an overhaul after obvious polish and bug fixes (there are in fact bugs, I’m just not sure if anyone has found them). I was playing with a SFX cue plus an animation.
- I might play with SFX for ability re-ups.
- So… that font. I really regretted choosing it later. I will eventually be swapping it out.
- The map will be scaled down ever so slightly after launch. I set the scale, tested it, then (if you can tell) moved everything inward.
- So, there is a map in game, in the pause button, I do like the idea though of even simply filling in places you have visited. I could implement a basic one within a few minutes. Thanks for this suggestion.
- Missing polish on the messages. I noticed it on the final morning that it didn’t quite feel right. The map will likely be moved out of pause, and a checklist will be added to the pause menu. Then the UI callouts will become a touch more descriptive.
- Lol, yeah. And I was so worried as to not audio blast people that all the other sounds are too low imo. Sorry about that.
Again, thank you for the detailed notes. Means a lot :) especially coming from you and your team.
Excellent stuff. The fixed camera was a pro and a con: on one hand, super nostalgic, on the other irritating. The nostalgia won though. And tbh, it's better to make something special like this than try to appeal to everyone.
Yeah, it was a little buggy, but it was mainly just the UI in my opinion. The puzzles were super intelligible. The chase sequences were fun, but it was no threat until the final one.
Honestly, there was a lot of content and it made sense in a nostalgic game logic kind of way. Going through paintings is so SM64 or Myst. Yeah, really good job. Even for a team, this is a big game for 9 days. Great job :)
P.S. including a load game option was awesome. I got caught by what could have been a game breaking bug, but no biggie. Just reloaded that file, boom. Back in the game and exploring in no time.