There are few different ways to do this, this one is the easiest. It uses keywords from both Card Action Pack 1 and Card Action Pack 2:
<Card Actions>
Select All from Deck Eval var win = SceneManager._scene._cardSelectionWindow; win._cardsSelected = win._cardsSelected.filter(card => card._skillId == 10); Transform Selected into 11 Clear Selection </Card Actions>
We grab the Deck, then filter the Selection to all Cards that match the Skill ID of 10 ("Fire"). Once we have all the Cards which match the Skill ID, we Transform the Selection to Skill ID 11 ("Superfire"). Once this operation is done we clear the Selection for future operations. When you check your Deck after playing this card, you will see that all Fire cards in the Deck have changed to Superfire.
Let me know if this works for you or if another solution is required.