Wow! This was both a lot of fun and has a lot of potential! Starfox VR? Cool! It played really smoothly, and I liked the score, sound and VFX.
As a stubborn standing-only player, thank you for the prompt to sit down and recenter.
Although it was an unpleasant discovery, I found it hilarious I could shoot my partner ship if I tried to fly in wingman formation.
My suggestions:
Either lower the health of the enemies, or increase the size/damage of the player's shots. I found myself needing to focus on one 'mob' for too long, and often took fire doing so. This also has the effect of 'freezing' your ships in position while you perfect your aim... which leads me to my second suggestion:
Add a barrel roll or Immelman turn/loop (can't Uturn in hyperspace!) you can trigger, that temporarily detaches the ships from your hands to do a maneuver that is impossible for hands to replicate. That will add to the agility of the ships, and reduce the 'flying pistols' effect?
Finally, by giving the enemy ships lateral movement within the 'hyperspace' tunnel, you increase the sensation of 'hyperspace battle' that your level design suggests, and also unfreezes your ship controllers in turn, as the target is never static this way?
Seriously though, this has a lot of potential. I think you should push it into a full game, as it might be the first of its kind? Great work!