Thanks for the feedback and mentioni g the cards. I had high hopes and a solid vision in my mind. In game I was going to give each player 3 bars and an overview of their bidy for dismenberment view. I was going to have a shame, life, phyche bar to indicate different punnishments. Including things like "date night" card, spiders all the way to left or right tapper for eyes of hands to have fingers removed. Possibly a little intense. I was going to do it with short vids that plays and then effecting the overview and bars with only some having visual changes to character. You are right about the timer it sounded good and I only realized when I started play testing my toned down ideas should have done 15 second games probably.
It took me so long getting 3 players system working that and when I got to mini games I was in a real situation as they took building a new system again to make them work with loads of testing lol.
I was going to have hidden item, wordpuzzles, riddle, guessing. competitive. Mini top down navigation etc for mini games if I could get them to fit in time.
Really appreciate the feedback again and glad to have something out there for the jam 😈