I could definitely see the potential in this game! A sort of Wario Ware meets Saw kind of party game! Pretty damn cool. The low rez video at the start really adds, in my mind, to the over all feel of the game. The character graphics were well done and the dialog was decently voice acted!
Sadly, the mini-game brought it down. To be fair, this is mentioned in the description, but, still. The beating heart(s) challenges specifically… I know these kinds of games are supposed to be very short, but 5 seconds seems quite short to find one heart, let alone 2 or more.
Additionally, there is a lot of effort in the opening dialog discussing these fate cards, which, according to the dialog, come into play when one fails a challenge. Yet, when I failed a challenge, the game just instantly killed me. No dismemberment, and no fate card being chosen or played. I suspect it was a game play feature that got cut for time (which is a shame, as it felt like it could be a really cool system).
Over all, I feel this game could be really awesome if you can get in there and nail down the mini-games (and add more variety of them). Still, good job on what you have!
If you’re interested, here’s a link where I streamed your game!