This is absolutely awesome!!! Gameplay wise, probably the most unique entry I had the pleasure of playing so far. At first when I was looking at how to play, I felt overwhelmed and thought I couldn't possibly read all the cards and memorize everything I needed to succeed at the game. But once I started, I was amazed at how intuitive it was and how just by choosing what sounded right elicited the emotion from the client I was going for. I thought it was most fun to be mean (I don't know if all the cards are preprogrammed or not, but if they are, the Disaster, Disaster, Disaster for the client who wanted to know about her love life was hilarious and I absolutely gave it to her straight lol). I WAS nice to the lady with the cat though, and it was so gratifying to see the tailored responses play out just the way you wanted. This is a game you should absolutely develop more and get out there. A really great casual, bite sized narrative game with a lot more agency than your average visual novel type games. The folks who missed this one are missing out on a great experience! Great job again to you and your team on such a cool, unique game!!