Hi! Thanks for sharing the link to your game!
- The art is fantastic and captures the oppressive atmosphere well. I love the limited color palette, with grayish greens adding charm to the game.
- The settings menu is extensive. It’s always great to be able to customize the game to your preferences!
- Very atmospheric SFX! I enjoyed the sound work in this game. All the sounds add wonderfully to the atmosphere.
- The music is possibly the best part of the game—absolutely beautiful. I’d even listen to the soundtrack separately. It’s very melancholic and reminds me a bit of Silent Hill, adding about 60% of the game’s atmosphere.
- I like the game’s mechanics. I’m someone who enjoys tank-style room exploration. Your approach is a bit confusing, though. I’d recommend checking out how it’s done in The Dollhouse.
- It’s great that there’s a manual save option. I might have given up without it, so good call on adding it—I used it often.
- I’m glad you added different enemies. Even though there are only two types, variety is always nice.
- The combat, of course. I died repeatedly in my first battle. Thankfully, I saved just beforehand. I re-read the game description a few times and still couldn’t figure out what was expected of me. After about 10 tries, I realized I had to use the cursor to find faces and then click on them. Before that, I was just clicking randomly and thought the combat was totally random. I’d suggest looking at how combat is handled in Somnia, another game from this jam that also uses tank controls like yours. You might get inspired, as I found Somnia’s combat more engaging.
Conclusion: I really enjoyed the game; the atmosphere is mesmerizing. I didn’t fully understand the storyline, but the strange events happening to the character were enough for me. The music, sound, and visual style were all top-notch. I also enjoyed exploring the location, even though the combat could use some refinement. I hope you finish the game, and I’d love to play the full version! Thanks for the game!
You can also play our game https://itch.io/jam/scream-jam-2024/rate/3038320