Harmut that teleporting dude's real funny.
My mouse is scuffed and far too slow, even with windows settings for mouse speed maxed, I beg of you, please make the mouse speed max go higher (or not it's whatevs I coped fine enough)
If any mimic shows up in the shroom village, everyone's fucking dying in 2 seconds which is pretty funny.
touching the crushing ceiling by boosting myself into it with recoil killed me instantly, aw :(
It's very very fun! I particularly like grabbing power-ups and not reading the descriptions because the purple space is very scary and I can run through everything and everyone like a little bitch and not get hurt while still nabbing power-ups. The mannequins and the "I KNOW YOU" things are great and scared the shit out of me real good!
Initially the tentacles that spawn beneath me was a pain in my ass but I learned it's literally not even a problem if I moved and didn't retrace my steps too frequently, but I couldn't really see what was telegraphed right under me because the sampling of fire starter was sick and I just didn't stay in one spot so I learned how to not suck and it pretty good!
The game's brought to it's knees for a 1-3 seconds if you have the enemies create gas cloud on death and the damage enemies at the start of the level combo. It's pretty alright and more silly! Minus the occasional stutter it performed great and it felt pretty good too! the AR just chews through things and the pistol sux as starting pistols should. I was too scared to get melee working.
The music's great! Put it up on youtube for shits and giggles :D
Some part of me wishes I can up the ante real fast and bump up the Chaos level for funsies in exchange for a pitance.
GMI energy!