A beautiful virtual toy.
We are so deep into the vidya rabbit hole that it's easy to forget that they are but toys inside a screen. This is the literal definition. Sure, videogames can also serve deeper purposes -- teaching, uplifting us, making us think. They can also be used for evil, furthering Larry Fink's interests. We are seeing a lot of this lately. But in the purest sense of the word, they are just toys. Something you play with, pointlessly, endlessly. Machines of >fun.
I went 27 years of my life without knowing that Conway's Game of Life existed, and when I found it... it was magical. I played LifeViewer with the fire theme for hours. My Radslugs session was way shorter, given the circumstances, but almost as delightful. Needless to say, there's insane potential in this concept. I can't name another game with a similar premise off the top of my head, and I believe this market could be tapped into. Was just thinking how well this would work as a lightweight mobile app that saves our progress and lets us peek at our slugs on the go, or... what it'd feel like with the addition of RPG elements... sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Dragging a slug's infobox around smears slime on the ground, which has some intriguing implications.
Playthrough: 10-15 minutes. Tried each keybinding listed on the game page at least once. Saved a slug I liked to my PC.