3 things I liked about this entry:
- Lots of custom art, and even a unique art style with the (mostly) monochrome color scheme.
- All the characters have plenty of personality, which makes reading the many dialogs a delight.
- The mechanics were easy enough to understand. I liked the concept of the Eye of Truth.
3 things I did not like:
- The monochrome color scheme means sometimes it's a bit hard to see what I'm supposed to. Characters getting lost in the environment, lack of clarity about important items in the scene, etc.
- The maps are bigger than they need to be and have some odd design choices. For example, I keep getting lost behind the southern walls of rooms, it's not always clear where the exit to a map is, and some passages are so narrow that it feels risky to pass one of the zombies.
- The sanity system doesn't add much to the game.
I should also note that I ran into a bug: Blobby was running during most of the game until I ran into an event that brought his sanity to 0. He was on walk speed from then-on, even after resting. That's some intense PTSD!
Overall, I enjoyed this game despite its shortcomings. This is a shining example of how a walking simulator should be.