Hi! Believe it or not the death message is in fact random. I have considered adding context based death tips, but if I do I think it'll be a later addition.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the game overall! My general attitude is that something is only too hard if people can't beat it. You don't have to lampshade that you beat bosses using stronger swords, that's an element of the game! Some people will take the challenge of fighting bosses with less power, and some people will come back later with more health and better swords. I want people to be able to use twitch skill or observation and patience to beat the game,
It's also very intentional that Yancy is woefully under equipped off the bat. I think the Oak Sword's pitiful range makes the player really appreciate upgrades like metal swords or the Sharp Tongue; they're life changing upgrades that really matter to the player.
As for the art style, I understand! My art is fairly unambitious to put it lightly. This project is all me and this the best art I can produce ;_; I can only hope that the charm and creativity makes up for the unimpressive visuals.
Thank you so much for playing!!