1. Yes, the game is being made in RPG Maker. You won't be able to customize the Captain's face or physical appearance because he's a preset hero with a certain amount of backstory (same as Geralt in the Witcher, for example), but that's why we'll let you pick his Attributes/Skills/Feats/Perks/Lineage/Background. Also, we can't make use of face-generators because that would mean having to paint additional versions of lewd scenes to take into account every face variation. Every lewd scene in the game is painted with the Captain's original face, so if we add more face/hair/skin-color options we'd have to ensure they're correctly featured in sex scenes... which slows production down a lot. We currently have 2 artists on the team and they're swamped with work as it is.
2. We can look into this once the game is complete. Right now we've got our hands full with content creation.