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Also the bugs were pretty hard to click, maybe make their colliders bigger and making the bug amount more as you get further?


Yeah the colliders are the same size as the bugs.. but they are quite small (the bugs).. - could maybe have a zoom function and you can move the camera with the mouse.. and having it increase in difficulty would indeed be a good idea. Not sure if I'll go back and add more features later, but if I do will bare it in mind! Cheers


The way I got so far is because I put on fullscreen so the bugs were easier to press :)

Still...that's some fast clicking!! :)

I mean I got down to 9 Mental health so he definitely took a few hits...


Ok but not many.. honestly on a run where I tried my best to get as far as I could (to the 120 seconds) I managed 70 seconds before the end screen! Good work :)