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A member registered Sep 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really like the game, for that reason I wish it was quicker. Someone mentioned 1 click cutting, I would go for something like that too, so it is much quicker, and then with a timer so that you have to hurry. Good entry! 

Boss level at the end of sections could definitely work, could also maybe spread out the mechanics? Or indeed add more a la Celeste, there's potential for loads. 

With the bug, I just remember going to the surface of the ocean, seeing the ship, and then it panning down, after maybe 5 seconds it started looping, so camera back up to the first shot of the boat, then back down and so on. No further issues

Thanks for playing! I figured for such a short game that is largely based around story and setting, that skipping the cut scenes could leave people a bit confused as to what was going on, but appreciate your point. I could maybe have cinematic black bars appear bottom and top of the screen to indicate a cut scene or something. Thanks again,!

Strange that the word game looped :( I'll have to look at that after the jam. Thanks for letting me know.  Thanks for playing!


Incredible game, seriously. If you made this in a week, then I'd say expand on it for a month or two for a two or three hour game then release it on Steam, it's an absolute hit. Lots of difficulty spikes but they felt fair. Only bug I found was the end screen looped, so as it panned down it then looped back to the beginning of the scene with the boat, and so on, but not marking it lower based on that! 5 stars all round. 

Really like this game. I agree that the beginning phase could be sped up in terms of how fast you level up. But generally this has lots of potential as a (mobile) game release if you were to polish it a bit. I did find a slight bug where the tornado jumped all the way through the house, kind of bounced over me, and then went off screen the other end, and it was the last one and took maybe 30 seconds to register as gone. Generally very good entry though!

Darkly amusing take on the original game haha. Gameplay was solid, graphics and audio especially good. Good job!

thanks! Yeah think I’ll give it a quick polish after the jam.. cheers!

Really enjoyable little game! Good job :) 

It's been said before, but needs to be a cool down on the attack! Love the look of the game and the dramatic feel. Would be really cool to play if combat was a challenge (timings/different attacks/enemy attacks etc) - but appreciate that there's not always time in a jam. Good job!

Insanely good graphics, epic creepy feeling mixed with beautiful outdoor scenes really works. Love the attention to detail. Really good job!

Funny game :) Particularly enjoyed throwing the chair through the window. Good job!

Also realised you found the 'M' bug :( put a note about it after the deadline was over as didn't find it before

Absolute genius!!! Such a weird idea, but it really works! Totally unique. Loved everything about it. 5 stars! 

Great game! Did not see the boss fight coming haha. Really cute little point and click adventure followed by a high impact second half, great contrast. Good job! 

(1 edit)

I played solo and really liked this game! I'll be honest I was expecting a level up or something, - so maybe an idea for starting on a high time limit and working down as the level gets higher? Still works like this, and can imagine 2 player is a lot of fun! Good job! (edit. Also the look of the game is 5 stars, grat graphics/camera angle. I think the mini-map should be more mini, sometimes got in the way, but this is nitpicking ;))

Realised I played and rated your game yesterday! Was a winner  :) Cheers!

Will check out your game in the next day or two (definitely before end of jam!)



(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Will check out your game before the jam is over :) 

Yeah good point! Actually while I love the idea of this game (was thinking of polishing and expanding), there is indeed a saturation point quite quickly, - not sure how to expand it into a bigger game without this, ah well - we will see! Thanks again!

Thanks for playing! The levels increment automatically, so essentially when you get to a smaller grid with all of the boxes being bombs, it's game over! But this is not humanly possible (I don't think!) haha. 

There are many ways to interpret a theme. For instance, when you click the boxes you then see what happens (when you clicked the box that meant game over, you didn't expect that to happen did you? You hoped it would be a safe box). Shuffle animation at the beginning is to give the player a chance to get used to that mechanic. Thanks for playing


Good effort! Yeah it is 'infinite' - but eventually you'd have all bombs on the smaller grid so game over. But this is not humanly achievable to get this far I don't think haha

Level 13 is very good going! Yeah it can lead you to try and move your eyes in seperate directions haha. Thanks for playing! 

It was a musical piece from, - will try and find it for you tonight! Thanks for playing :)

It will end if you get to the level where they are all bombs,  so that's the highest possible score, but this is almost humanly impossible haha

Thanks for playing! Think that method is as good as any :)

Level 15 is seriously impressive! Thanks for the idea of seeing where the bombs were (the Game Over element was really rushed in the last 5 minutes). There is no 'end' - so essentially when all of them are bombs is as far as you can get, but I figured this would be way too hard for people to achieve haha. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Will have a look at your game later this evening

Thanks for playing! I will look into the boat rotation, thanks again! Will check out your game later

Ah yeah, discovered that bug after the deadline :( Will remove after the jam. Thanks for playing! Will check out your game later. Cheers! 

Haha the rain falling up when you look upwards I only noticed near the end, I put it on the 'that will have to do' pile! Was indeed supposed to be kind of dark and unsettling, but in a 'calm' way.. glad you found it engaging and thanks for playing! Will check out your game later today 

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it :) Will check your game tonight

Thanks! Boat controls were more complex but they became buggy near the end, so simplified them significantly. Will have a look at your game this evening. Cheers!

Thanks! Will play your game tonight 

This is so much fun! Played a load of rounds. I love how it feels to play, - would love to see a full version of this with a load of guns/ story etc.. maybe with multiplayer co-op modes even, everything is so polished. Fantastic job!