Liked the mixed up gameplay, very unique game. Good job!
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Great visuals, love the look of the characters in the first cut scene! Got stuck on the menu though :( Buttons wouldn't interact. Is there another canvas on top of them with the same or higher order in layer that's blocking the click maybe? Either way couldn't progress any further. I got past fixing the ship. This could use a mini-game I think, just something very simple like constantly click mouse would make it more interactive. Overall great aesthetic, good job!
Thanks for playing. You only have 2 mechanics, dash and shoot, did you not try these? You dash into the boulders and they move out of the way (or blue boulders after you beat the first boss you harpoon and drag them out of the way after it says you got the grappling harpoon). Shame you didn't get past the boulders!
Yeah it's REALLY cool, concept is great, but - as has been said before - too hard! Essentially the first melody you are asking the player to sight read a two hand piano piece using the keyboard perfectly in time, I play piano and I found it unforgiving still. But this is all solvable by having the difficulty ramp up as the game goes on. Anyway, still loved the game, wish I could play more!