I'm trying out the new patch and the book store never seems to have anything for me. Is there a certain trigger I need to hit? Update: Figured out at least some things... though now I'm looking for the recipe book passed intermediate (Edit: Found it)
Update. So not sure how I skipped over the shakes but whatever and I did find the ice cream... but now I'm stuck on High Quality Meat and Flawless Baked Bread for TPF. I have some ideas, but they haven't panned out yet.
Another Update: Stumbled onto the HQM and it was not at all where I thought it would be. Still need the Bread though
Upadte. So I found everything for the sandwich but now, after handing out the sandwich to (I think) everyone I can't go for the ending scene anymore. The only people I might be missing that I can think of are the Gym crew (might need to advance their storyline) and the dates? Though no idea how to give the dates a sandwich. Otherwise I think I got everyone.
The sandwich can be given to-
-all the other employees
-all the maids
-the muckbang streamer
-the all-you-can-eat waitress
-the mime you sometimes meet when exploring the city
-the hotdog eating contest rival
-the cashier at All Foods
-the baker
-Eve and Bonnie
I think that is all of them, not sure though. But the dates are not an option as far as I know.