Neat! I think the preg route is my favourite so far. It's super sweet.
Recent community posts
Fair enough. I think personally Enzi was the most fun male character to interact with (excluding Bobby XD) and I'm not sure I have a favourite girl yet. I'm sort of treading water a bit as I catch up on events and stuff at around Day 70. I have not been prioritising MSQ stuff so I need to do that now.
This has been a surprising game in many ways. Lots of heartfelt moments with some funny dialogue and a heartwarming story. It may not be my main fetish but I've still had a great time with it!
So I'm wondering what characters are you planning for the romance? It seems like the main 4 guys... but the girls feature prominently as well and there are some hints Gina might be bi... but then Devil Gina seems to exclusively focus on men for the most part... but then there's a few lines like the ones with the massage lady. So I'm mostly just curious.
Update. So not sure how I skipped over the shakes but whatever and I did find the ice cream... but now I'm stuck on High Quality Meat and Flawless Baked Bread for TPF. I have some ideas, but they haven't panned out yet.
Another Update: Stumbled onto the HQM and it was not at all where I thought it would be. Still need the Bread though
Upadte. So I found everything for the sandwich but now, after handing out the sandwich to (I think) everyone I can't go for the ending scene anymore. The only people I might be missing that I can think of are the Gym crew (might need to advance their storyline) and the dates? Though no idea how to give the dates a sandwich. Otherwise I think I got everyone.
No problem, I wanted to see all the ending variations (and I think looking at the calcs I still do have more to see? Probably waiting for next patch though).
Main reason I'm replying is to confirm that YES the testing with the "Secret Scene" was done on the Unify route. I didn't think I needed to specify because you can't get the last key on the divide route. (I did try just to see if I could, but nope it remains locked). Also yes I do mean the H scene. I also have no idea why watching it or not watching it changes anything because I thought it wouldn't change anything. I was mostly testing it because I'd already tested so many other things so why not... then it actually "fixed" things for that ending and I was very confused.
Oh one thing I've thought of later. In case it matters.
I tested the endings in this order (and I closed the game between each of them)
0 milk (With the S Scene) -> 1 milk (S scene) -> 2 milk (S scene) -> 0 Milk (No S scene)
I went through the 3 milk ending earlier before I started bug testing, and I also hadn't realised the S scene came in milk variations which was cool to see.
If you complete the secret route with 0 milk you can't advanced. X2 says she can't do anything with the milker at the command centre, and despite saying "let's see what I'm working with here" at the machine in the research lab nothing actually happens. (Note I have 3 milk undrunk in my inventory)
EXCEPT! I went and tested this more and guess what? Skipping the "Secret Scene" "featuring" the two antogonists GOT THE SEQUENCE TO WORK PROPERLY! (Assuming Unstable Compound is "correctly")
Additional Notes:
Works fine when drinking 1 milk and 3 milk... I think? And it sort of works fine on the 2 milk version.
See here's the thing. Both the 2 and the 3 milk version gets you the "moderate compound" ending despite the fact that when using just 2 milk on the Divide route you get Unstable Compound like the 1 and 0 milk routes
Let me know if you want more testing done or infomation on this one... not sure what else to test and I'm super lost tbh.
I encountered the "Secret Purgatory Ending" and decided to do some testing in case this proves useful. In all versions I have the 2 keys and the fishing pole as well as 3 milk picked up.
Drinking 0 Milk sends me to purgatory
Drinking 1 Milk before entering the saucer and refusing to drink the other 2 allows me to get the ending for Unstable formula
Drinking 1 Milk before entering the saucer and attempting to drink more gives you a dialogue box saying X2 plans to save it. (Pretty sure this is intended)
Drinking 2 Milk before entering the saucer and refusing to drink the other one... clones X2 when you use the milker for some reason? The X2 clone has a breast level of 0. You get Unsatable Formula ending
Drinking 2 Milk before entering the saucer and attempting to drink more gives you a dialogue box saying X2 plans to save it. (Pretty sure this is intended)
Drinking 3 Milk before entering the saucer and going as normal results in no issues at the milking machine, and the same (minor) issue at the synthesiser I reported before where X2 says she needs to milk herself first but then goes ahead and uses the machine anyway (you get the moderate formula)
Also just for more data points these are the items I have on me before I drink any milk
When trying the fishing mini-game if you hit Z or Space to move to the minigame you auto-fail it straight away. It is worth noting that the follow-up dialogue that says you failed can be advanced without issue even if you do press Z or Space so it doesn't have a huge effect. (All 3 "starts" for the key fishing mini-game have this issue the picture is just of the first one)
On the most recent patch (currently update #2 I believe) when you interact with the synthesis machine (or whatever it's called. It's the machine you interact with after the milking machine back on the ship) it still says that you need to milk yourself first even if you have. It then proceeds to activate a small cutscene and then you can interact with the machines below it to grab the item anyway. (Not sure if dialogue is missing or if it just says that line first either way)
Decent early concept but it has one major flaw. The fact that you can't actually "idle" this idle game. You need the window selected for the game to run at all and that means you really just have to sit down and "play" it if you want to progress and there really isn't any gameplay to justify that. I can't even browse chrome on my other monitor easily.
Your best bet is to queue up a youtube video and leave it running off to the side.
Well that's great for me. As to the disclaimer... hmm... I've mostly taken to ignoring them, especially the ones at the start of game that seem familiar because so many have "this is a porn game. If you didn't know it was a porn game please leave" or sometimes a more specific fetish that the game is centered around.
Which is annoying now I'm thinking about it. Disclaimers are useful and "tags" are useful. I shouldn't be skipping them... but so many are the exact same. I think perhaps putting them in a clear list on the store page is the best way to go about it? Obviously you can't tag everything, but the page for FSoO is basically "I did a game jam game for weighgaming" and that's it. I had no idea at all what to expect. One of the reasons I was surprised how long it was actually. The very short description.
So yeah... maybe some obvious "vibe check" style thing on the main page? Or perhaps a splashscreen with the main themes/fetishes on startup? Not a text box down the bottom that's likely to get clicked through. Could even use Renpy to force it to stay on screen for some number of seconds? (Not certain you can do that).
Having played through this... the minigames were neat, the models and progresion was nice... and I really didn't care for the story. I was already a bit tired of it before we got to the end... and then we got to the end. Without saying much? While I do agree that A is best girl I can't say I was too satisfied with that either.
Perhaps it's just that this such a depature from your other stuff on itch. That all has a mostly wholesome tone to it. Even with Dairy Tale and Neon dreams where things get serious... it's still quite wholesome in a lot of ways.
I guess in the end this wasn't my cup of tea. Not really sure why I'm complaining. It wasn't bad, and I don't feel like I wasted my time. I just feel the need to say something.
I guess I can say? For 2 weeks worth of work this is amazing. I could hardly believe how much content was here. I was expecting it to be maybe half as long as it turned out to be. So A+ on that.
Right I've done some quick testing... and yeah if you've got good confidence and a max size belly you can charge a lot. The feature that lets you get slightly less but still a major amount is nice in some ways and annoying in others.
So two things I guess. First, there needs to be a more clear way to set dance prices or see what your dance price is because I had to go looking, and even when I found it I wasn't sure it was a thing you "should" do because of the "admin console" in another similar menu.
Secondly, I have no idea when the optimum time is to up my prices or what a good price actually is. This goes back to what I was saying about the milking being efficient and painless. You just get large amounts of capacity and production then click the button. You don't need to think too hard about it. Just push the button, or push it when you have a milk icon if you want to be a bit more efficient about it but that's all the decision making you need.
Doing the dances well requires "balancing a few plates" and there will be resistance to that. My current recomendation? Find some way to give people a pricing chart either based on belly size or how many kids you are having. Perhaps integrate it into the social system where you can ask other dancers what there pay per dance is to get some idea of what you should be charging.
Though also note. I have no idea how the dance prices are meant to work anymore. I set my price to 20,000 which seemed like a decent amount... but I actually get a differing number in the millions. (One dance got me about 2.8, but another just got me like 4.2) So... not sure how that's working. Like at all.