Won't lie, I was affraid you'd make me cry like in One Last Goodbye, so I hesitated on playing this one lol
But hey, I got happily ever after, and would rather not check the other endings! (You know, just like in OLG lol).
But I can totally see so many aspects that you developed later in your games in here. And to think this was your first VN? It looks awesome, I wish mine had looked this good lol
It was a very wholesome game, and the art/music choices were superb. I read that you have the main project on hold? Well, I have no idea how the main project would be but, knowing you I'm sure it's probably a pretty big endevour!
I know how it is to revisit an old project, so I wish you all the luck in the world if you retake it someday! I'm sure it'll be an awesome (and hopefully wholesome too lol) game!