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A member registered Aug 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for such a kind review!

Same to you!!! ;)

(1 edit)

It's great to be able to read all the thoughts and ideas that went into the creation of Rosenberg (even the lore behind the name, or lack of! lol) And I can say the concept of the victim taking back the control of her life came across perfectly! I think you really succeeded in communicating all the ideas that ultimately formed the game.

I really think all those details you took extra time to do mattered a lot! The UI, the expressions, the changing backgrounds and gallery! Those are the little things that make a game truly great, -the attention to detail-.

And the message system was really good too, it gave the game an entire different pace!

And I already said all that, but felt like pointing it out again after reading this devlog lol (Which is, by the way, so very well stylized and according to the web design of the game, which is another important feature!)

Thank you so much, we're glad you enjoyed it!

Just you wait until the Four Brunettes ask you What's Going On ;)

Your art just continues to amaze me. Really, the high definition pixel art is GORGEOUS, the outlines, the gradients, it's just soooo goood!!!!

I really enjoyed how cozy the game is, and how they talk with each other! Out of all the memories, the one that hit home for me was certainly the VHS ones. Watching a tape, recorded from a cable transmision, skipping comercials.... hahahaha, those were the days, even if we were busy anyways like they cared to explain later!

The struggle felt very relatable, to the point them making a new friend was just lovely and awesome, and then finally buying something out of that wonderful shop (for real, I'd pay to even enter to a shop like that!)

I ended up taking the terrarium, it just looked sooo nice lol

This has gone on for months I believe, so it isn't recent. But other threads have as well pointed this out, so might as well be an itch thing. Strange tho, as it doesn't happen in any other of my games.

(1 edit)

So this has been happening for a while, my game weekly receives a total of 4 downloads, 2 per file, all in one day, instantly. Sometimes, it is two times a week. I realized there was something wrong the day I saw no new views and 4 downloads.

This has gotten a bit constant too, two days in a row, even more too. I disabled downloads(have a web browser build too), and instead, received 8 views two times this week. Then reopened downloads, and got 4 downloads the day after.

I really have no idea what's going on, and I saw some people with alike problems that said that it eventually stopped (then again, their cases were much more intense, so to speak), but in my case it continues?

Hey! I don't know you in the slightest, but just saw your pixel art on my feed and had to click.

I felt really connected with your metaphor, and I feel like it describes so well how it is to sort of make friends through these realms. Even in real life as well.

The art and the UI were so coool, my whole reason to click on it, and the writing my reason to read until the end. A pretty lovely last year's review!

We'll keep you posted about it ;) but it's safe to say, phoebe is perfectly fine haha

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That was such a nice noir game. I really enjoyed the entire vibe, and that screen filter that kept it as noir as it could be!

I also enjoyed the graphic animations a lot, the characters really came out alive out of that.

As for how far I've got, well, I got to find Jim, and at least in what would be my true ending, I decided to spare him. Then later just took him down to see what happened lol

But I really enjoyed the game design, there were so many options and posibilities, and the entire trip was wild to say the least, as to how chaotic it can get to arrive to the actual conclusion of what's going on.

Wow! That was hard to beat, took me a long while to figure out how to talk with the eel.

I really liked the art and the music. I feel like it had the right kind of vibe, and the puzzle was quite interesting too! Really made me think a lot.

Also I love the fact that all interstellar time and space swirls around pasta.

Sadly, couldn't find a way to save, well, you know who :(

Thank you!!! And the same to you, we wish you the best back!!! (Had to thank once more, last time I promise LOL)

I don't know where to begin, Marie, this is the loveliest review I've ever seen in one of my games! Thank you, thank you so much for taking your time to play it so deeply and process it so accuaratedly, to produce such an incredible review!

Yes to everything you said, you got it a 100% right! I love that french phrase you used to describe it, and I really think it zooms it up pretty well! That's what the game is about, they're silly, silly in distress. Their life backgrounds are also not ideal as the full game will take the time to show, yet, they fight through it like a true 90's kid/teen in a movie would do!

I really thank all the kind comments towards the art and the team you made too! They all worked really hard to make it posible, and if it wasn't for them the game wouldn't be half of what it is!

And yes, the freak shenanigans sort of leaked to here as well! I'm so glad you enjoy them, I certainly laugh while writing it, there's even a little wink to Freak the Town with the "What?" "What what?" "Anyway as I was saying..." lol

And even if you don't believe it, I'll say THANK YOU again for such a lovely, lovely comment <3

Haha, my pleasure to play them! And I don't know, you kinda already did. Rosenberg was much more "happier" in some endings, ofc you can't just have a happy fairy tale ending for everyhing lol I think you're doing good as you are! You can clearly tell I do mostly funny stuff, so my opinion might not be the most accuarate for other genres lol

Ah I really should put up an online portfolio someday, for now it's all in the games lol if you get to play SI at some point, I do think that is my best work musically to the date, unlike Freak the Town in which I only managed to do 3 songs besides all other tasks, there I got time to properly do all that I felt was needed hehe!

I take you're a mac user? I did try to make a build for it, and failed miserably LOL again, no need to go through so much trouble tho!!! You can always try it online, it's a pretty light game since it's all pixel art.

Ahhh now that you explained that, I took the liberty of checking the rest!

I really liked the variations on the ending lol and I even have to admit, 3rd and 2nd were actually way better! They felt a bit more complex, and much more fulfilling doed to that!

As I said before, I can really see both your other games in here as well, I think you really perfected the multi endings with Rosenberg as well! And your character development as well, althought I can tell that was always there playing this one lol

I really liked the theme around how some choices changes completely one's life, and how some tumultous paths led the main character to understand himself better, and learn what was going on  with him in the back of his mind.

Glad you told me endings were safe LOL I was missing a lot with just one.

And I totally get you on the coming back to a project thing, it's not easy and one's mindset has sometimes evolved. I listened to a few old recordings of music i was making years ago, only to realize that had already evolved and became a completely different song, yet it was the same core. And me thinking I had forgotten it lol I guess like your game just explained, sometimes the back of our minds keeps working while we don't realize!

Yet, again, beautiful game <3 (Also no, not trying OLG other's ending, the good one was perfect as it is period hahahaha)

Won't lie, I was affraid you'd make me cry like in One Last Goodbye, so I hesitated on playing this one lol

But hey, I got happily ever after, and would rather not check the other endings! (You know, just like in OLG lol).

But I can totally see so many aspects that you developed later in your games in here. And to think this was your first VN? It looks awesome, I wish mine had looked this good lol

It was a very wholesome game, and the art/music choices were superb. I read that you have the main project on hold? Well, I have no idea how the main project would be but, knowing you I'm sure it's probably a pretty big endevour!

I know how it is to revisit an old project, so I wish you all the luck in the world if you retake it someday! I'm sure it'll be an awesome (and hopefully wholesome too lol) game!

Aaaahhh stop you, you awesome wonderful person you 😊

Again, no need to do it but if you do, I really hope you'll enjoy it <3

I thank you again for such lovely coments on our work  <3 and well, you never know if it is the last one, right? But for now at least it will be, althought freak being freak, i'd lie if I said i don't have another plot in my head since we ended this one! But we'll see when i actually feel the need to come back to these looneys. 

Againx2, thank you so much Marie, means a lot that you played it and liked it!!!

(4 edits)

Ahhhhh Marie, you're the absolute best, thank you so much for taking your time to play and write this lovely review!!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and that you think the artists did a great job, because, hey, they did!!! I agree with you so much, the voice acting was just amazing, and I'd like to thank the VAs about it once again lol

Replying to spoilers below:

Hahahaha, the monochrome was born out of two things, one, i was really into that at the time, and two, since we began late during freakaversity, it felt like the perfect way to complete the game in time. (There's even a mention to the colour green somewhere in freak, but hey, that's it's name, not a colour. Nope, no idea what a colour is! lol) But taking that into consideration plotwise sort of became must do thing in this one! I'm really glad you liked it and noticed it as something to highlight!

About Phoebe, I just feel like she was shocked like the rest, and was refusing change, in her own, very peculiar, particular style lol but worry not! She probably did fine after a few days, with the help of her buddy Casey!

Again, thank you for playing <3

Aww there was no need to! Still, I hope you enjoy it and laugh this time as well!

(1 edit)

I actually *had* Till the bitter end, but forgot to write it haha! Then I guess I can call it a day here. And by all means, spoil all you want if there's anymore to spoil, I really like lore lol

Thank you for the kind response on the endings lol

Glad to hear that, and hope you get more free time as well! I totally get that, sometimes making the game is just so tiring... and the gui is such a defining thing, sometimes even if the game is done is like... half done lol, and after a month working on something nonstop... yeah, the burnt out is pretty real. Still, glad you managed to pull it off in the end!

I've got, in order: Unexpected Salvation, Sweet Lamb of Sacrifice, A Vampire's Kiss, The promise of a beautiful future, Escape, Monster and Do you Trust Me?

Im still lacking 3, but sort of ran out of ideas on how to get them lol

(1 edit)

Whoa, look who's back!

When I saw you published a new game, I was like, alright otome isn't really my cup of tea, but I just know it'll be great. And oh boy was I right!

I really enjoyed the experience, and the multiple endings. The art, including the UI, is so very well crafted and fitting. I can imagine why you couldn't make it for the deadline in time, the kind of details you put into this take forever!

The music choices and the SFX really bring the game up a lot, and the way the story is layed out makes it really inmersive and intriguing!

I got the normal ending first, then the lambs, then the vampire kiss, and then i pretty much began speedrunning to get the others lol I'm down to three left to find, amongst them Michael's true ending.

I really like how your art leveled up in this one, compared to one last goodbye! That last CG at vampire's kiss was excellent, and so very fitting for that moment of the story.

All in all, very glad to play another one of your games!

EDIT: Forgot to mention, but amazing job by the VAs!!! That made the experience so much better. Great job everyone!

Hey, added you just now, but won't let me send you a message unless i'm your friend or share a server in common lol.

Then we're not so far on the moth department hahaha and yes, LOVESTARVED looks funkier than ritchie blackmore's hat. It's like it has... it's own vibe to it? Like an evolution of what you guys did in Tunnel Vision! Including the setting I readed about the lore? Pretty darn *funky*  (yes I'm saying funky from now on, it reminds me of an interview of a musician who claimed he hated funk, and then the bassist goes like "He's damn funky, wether he likes it or not" xDDD)

Look at it this way, your PC literaly told you, hey, take a break lol and one should never dismiss that kind of direct advice from an inanimated object! xD

Hahahahaha don't worry, I teach music too, and I know what to ask of someone. Like in the last game we released, the happy song from the begining is from my friend who I also taught music to. Couldn't be prouder of the result he got out of "do a happy song" lol but yeah, by all means, do as you feel, and keep taking a break lol

Hope to see you around NOT SO SOON, ENJOY YOUR BREAK XD, and if you end up coming up with a new project, hoping to play it as well! And if not... ENJOY YOUR BREAK lol

Awwww come on, moths were you live are lovely! The ones I get are all brown, and love to ruin my food lol I rarely see the pretty ones with designs in their wings and all that :P

FFX is one of my favorites, out of FF and out of all JRPGs in general. It made me tear up too, but in some joyfull way! Specially since the version I had was the one that shows you an extra scene that really helps you cope with the ending, that I'll avoid naming in case someone ever reads this xD

Didn't play the second one because with that, to me, it was closed. In total perfection, the rest was up to imagination :P

I saw LOVESTARVED and I was tempted to play as the premise seems super interesting and it just looks awesome xD but then Otome isn't really my genre lol, still it looks freakin' awesome, and if that is what your heart tells you to do, you really should!

If you end up trying to just join a team, and are willing to collaborate with me on making music for the project I have in mind, I'd be honored to have you join! I'll probably need some help, as I allways end up loosing time throwing water out of the boat and never get to finish the OST in time during the past two spooktobers. Besides, you do know how to do techno and all that. I just uhm... give me my string quartet and guitars pls xD So if you end up down that road and feel like it, don't hesitate on hitting me up on discord!

Also, again, THAT'S ONE CUTE MOTH, I now understand your hobby xD

National Moth Week? Now, that's a new one, never heard of it! I'm more concerned about them ruining my flour... xD

And yes, I mean *that* Terra Battle. It had Sakaguchi behind it (The guy from FF 1 to 9 xD), and it was bloody amazing. The song I meant was the main theme, that one that goes "The heart to believe... keeps me aliveeee" Or something like that lol. Also, I'm asuming you mean To Zanarkand, one of the best songs the inhabitants of this planet have ever produced? Then glad you listen to it often! lol

I saw this one late too, and had to bail from trying because i'm taking a break to reach spooktober as fresh as I can lol And after releasing the game you just mentioned (Glad you think it looks dope!!) I'm really needing it lol

As allways, a placer trading comments with you! Hope your moth count doesn't get too high xD

Resting? What's that? I never heard of it!

Hey, love the song! It felt very cinematic, and the vibe reminded me a bit of Terra Battle's main theme, which is a total and absolute compliment! And yes, it's ambiented in an apocalyptic world lol So I totally see this working in the settings you described above.

I think you worked on the layers pretty darn well, and managed to keep it entertaining. The vocals add sooo much to it, if you ask me, they are the main dish of the soundtrack. It's what gives it the extra punch and moves up front during an scene! While then it can go back to wait in the background, acompanying the game.

Anyways, great job!

Hey, thank you for playing and rating! Do remember this is a demo, it's just the very begining of the story.

Hey! We released a week ago, but only now realized I could post here! Hope it's okay.

Second Impact is a Graphic Adventure/Point and Click with little elements of Action. Ambientated in the 90's, you're to solve the mistery behind a "meteor" falling in town. It follows Rolf and his friends, a bunch of teenagers, trying to save the world in one night!

We made it as retro as we could(still using many modern commodities), despite the 2D cutscenes, everything else is pixel art, and the music and sound are made to sound 16 bit-like!

Hope you enjoy it! You can find our game right here:

It's raining games around here? Looks like it is!

Styx's a though cookie, I'll give them that. I kept wandering around endings 1 and 2 until I finally broke free with ending 5! I ended up checking the guide just to see the others :P

I really liked the watery feel of the game and it's options/endings. Feels reeeaaally on theme (you know, water, not the jam's restrictions xD).

The game design was great, it kept it dynamic while trying to get a new ending every time!

I really liked the music loop as well! Pretty atmospheric and, again, watery. Lol. And the visual fx for the backgrounds were pretty on point as well (played the regular version with video), including that nice detail of changing the main screen depending on the ending.

As for the voice acting, super on point. Paired with the movement of the main character and the expressions, it certainly made you, yes another pun, sink into the story xD

Hey! I'm not that much into spooky stories, but dude, the pixel art is sick, and on top of that, it's 1-bit!!! And I loved that 80's style music too. Keep it up, this looks really great!

Hey, glad you enjoyed it, and that you got the references. We'll have way more incoming haha!

(1 edit)

Doodle Doofus... I laughed so hard at that, and then forgot the umbrella at home... hahahahaha

Nice to see another one of your italian named series! It was really short but very fun and cozy to play! Hope to see what kind of crazy mechanic you come up with for this one lol

I have to add, I love your art! Nice to see more of your character deisngs!

Also, is Vivian Alroy's cousin? lol, I guess I'll have to eventually play Dolce to find out more about this one!

(1 edit)

Hahahaha I'm glad you felt that way with my comment lol hope your year goes great as well!

Also, damn, I didn't realize you did all those voices yourself. That's one hell of a work! My most sincere congratulations on that too xD I really liked Snowe's femenine voice! I thougt the acting was quite good there, after all, Snowe is a cold onion lol

And yes, I did the femenine route because when I chose the male one the warning about voice acting  appeared so... yeah, felt like if there was a fully voiced route, I wanted that one xD

Again, so glad you received my comment with such joy, and thank you for your also kind words :P

Awww this was so lovely, or at least ended up that way in ending 6.

I was weary the whole time, cautious with my decisions. I *really* didn't want to get a bad ending here. I knew the spirit, althought very cryptic, had Saffie's best interests at heart. Or at least that's what I chose to believe, which gladly was rewarded with that lovely ending.

The topics developed across the game are very serious and important, and your work with them was marvellous. The complete disbelief and cynicism in Saffie, and how it could only end one way in her mind, yet how Snowe knew exactly what to do, in her own... very unique way lol

I really liked her character, and how she acted. She knew how everything would go, and she knew where to push to get Saffie to open up to herself, rather than to Snowe. She knew that was the only way she could let her free without her carrying on with her previous plan.

The message at the end of the game is also a very encouraging, and I'm SO glad you're here to tell it to everyone! It requires a lot of courage to go all the way into the open like that, to try and reach out to those who need it.

Now, on technical aspects, the game is pretty darn good as usual! Everything is in really high quality, and the music, SFX and VA just give it the perfect touch!

Thank you for doing it!!!

So. That's. How it went.

Nice to see what happened after their summoned GD lol

The game was very funny, and the characters so vivid. GD and Pressie were a blast, and that scene fighting the crow was just so good!

I've got the true ending... after getting ending 2 and 1. I was affraid I had gotten myself into a corner when I got the two bad endings in a row, but gladly you lot didn't go for that!

I loved how the game spins around self acceptance messages and concepts, as well as empathy for others and honesty. Truly, a christmas spirited game, with a spoiled brat who finally knew better!

Great job everyone!

Congrats you guys, this game was very fun! You did a lot for a two weeks jam.

I liked the post apocalyptic sci fish plot, as well as the ambientation and art. The playability was quite good too, considering the little time frame you had and the amount of assets in-game.

The boss was also pretty interesting, I chose to kill it, might try later to see what happens if I joined lol

Overall great work!

Muy divertido de jugar, las mecanicas estaban muy bien para un juego hecho tan rapido, y ni hablemos del arte! Todo muy bien logrado.

Algo me dice que Delfi no estaba jodiendo cuando ofrecio ir a hacerse cargo del asunto... :P

Wow, just... wow!

The amount of work you lot put into it, specially you, is insane. I can't say I'm surprised, the game was huge for an entry made in one month. Again, congratulations on it!

It's nice to read other people's process and struggles, I'm sure we'd all wish that there wasn't that many struggles, but heck, we all know the truth xD I feel very identified with many of the problems you went through with this, SPECIALLY, the programming part. That thing is bad for health, for real. Let's all just stick to make music, we'll be happier xD

I do share many of your concerns on the health department, and was very sad to read some people feeling down after the jam ended. I tried to cheer everyone I saw up, as I did felt that last year as well, let's say, I had some more experience on the failing spooktober area xD But again, if you published a game, YOU DIDN'T FAIL. You won, you won your own battle, which is, in the end, the only important one. And heck, so many people ends up enjoying what you did, maybe they won't comment about it, but they sure do play anyways. 

As for your own health, I do hope you find a better way to work without hurting yourself, and that goes for you, me, and many others. Still, you do amazing games, and hope you find any way to keep on doing it, in a less stressful way, among other things!

Also, from a fellow musician, the music was awesome. Keep it up!

Alsox2, I really like rambly text, so as the song says, Ramble on ♫ xD