Thank you for the comments. I agree with the slowness; I tried making it faster but without any buildings, it just didn't seem to register. (I ran out of time to add anything else; my prior prototype had buildings and it was interesting to see the building disappear as you switched in time so that part seemed to work.) I was trying to go for a charge-up system style, but I am also thinking there should be bonuses if you take the longer path.
I also submitted this for another jam where the theme was "escape" so I purposely didn't make it a loop but my initial idea was more of a Mario Kart-style racer but instead of shortcuts and speed mushrooms, you transfer through time to try and find the quickest route over multiple laps. Also, not sure why the cutscene dialogue didn't work. My brother and I quickly recorded it but dinner was ready and I didn't get a chance to dig in and figure out what setting I had missed.