finallly about to play Malik's route, i'm just scared lol. its not as hard to witness once they know you're fucked up but the whole "true colors" showing scene lowkey makes me wanna cry lmao like its so sad
NOOOO OMFG HIS FACE IS SO SCARED AND NERVOUS I FEEL SO BAD BRO (i'd be a horrible yandere fr, i'd just do whatever they told me to lmao)
omfg okay soo.. this already hurts WAY less than Ash's route becase Malik actually has a backbone already at the start so he feels like overwhelmingly pitiying for us off the bat. like Ash's route was hard because the backfiring always hurtthem more than me yk, but at least Malik is more capable of fighting back. and both routes initial have a either he/they die or i die, but Ash's was so accidental. i like that Malik can actually make the choice to stab us (tho lowkey the whole reason i like Ash so much is BECAUSE they immediately seem more sad than angry about everything). plus Malik actually puts up boundaries and sticks to them, he doesn't give in a little too easy once we show remorse like Ash does. obviously Malik is caught off guard by the progress and willingness to change but its much faster progress with him because he doesn't indulge us at all like Ash does (which lowkey does make the process harder)