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Hello Izumi, I really like the story and I am willing to recommend it to my fellow friend readers. I see that you are eager to exercise inclusivity in your story. I just hope that you won't force people to accept this non-binary stuffs. It's okay to ask the reader about their preferred pronounce, but I just hope that there would be no characters in the story that would use they/them as pronoun. Tho if you want, ask the readers if they want to apply these kinds of pronoun to the characters besides the mc before they begin their journey. That way, you won't offend both type of readers. I am not straight I am a man who like men, but I don't believe in non-binary thing. I just hope that you keep an open mind about this

Wow....but I just hope that there would be no characters in the story that would use they/them as pronoun. ...

Just wow pal. Well it's because of NON BINARY FOLK like MARCIA P JOHNSON that you can exist at any level of equality. Get the fuck over your ignorance. If you're offended, read something else. Don't expect the author to cater to your bigotry. Educate yourself dear. I hope you grow as a person. Happy holiday season. -.-' 

Don't talk about being educated cause clearly you're not

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All people who call themselves non-binary are people with low intellect

Keep an open mind about this? Are you kidding? As you sit there with a ridiculously closed off mind? Bite me. 

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Do you even have a degree to start an argument about who's educated between the two of us? 

Deleted 80 days ago
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I have a degree and you’re an idiot. Being trans or non binary is not an issue of intellect or any other of that stupid shit. I can’t believe there is a gay man who can’t accept other people. You should know all about how it feels to be attacked because of who you are. You are a miserable representation of our LGBT community. We do not attack others or their pronouns. We allow others to be themselves. You can’t want to be who you are and then be a hypocrite. That’s what’s  stupid.

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You can't argue with people like this unfortunately. Don't let someone that gets this bent out of shape over a fictional characters pronouns upset you. If they can't even be respectful in a game lord knows how they act irl. it's always idiotic behavior over shit that doesn't affect them at all that seems to trigger them. 😒

PS Izumi do whatever the fuck you want it's your story. You can make purple aliens for all i care with pronouns i can't even pronounce. You do you! 

You are right. I think it's a bit funny that they tried to insult me over a supposed lack of education. They seemed to feel I had attacked their intelligence or university degree or some such thing. I attacked their ignorance over a social issue which is a completely different ball field lol.  Let them be miserable over inclusivity while the rest of us celebrate it <3
