Great game. From start to finish. The art is mesmerizing and the tasks we are entrusted with are pleasing to fulfill. It’s cozy in a way, but also eerie, even from the start, as you know something is hiding. (spoiler spoiler
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I really like the tasks part, and how time passes. It really makes me feel like I’m going through the day to day, and then by the end when you know he was being watched, it’s interesting because it’s like people were finding comfort in watching someone who’s comfortable with their own daily life and their path to enlightenment.
By the end, the last segment, it has a surprise, and unfortunately I knew there was going to be a plot twist, but I didn’t know what it was for sure. And I’m not sure how much I liked it, because I think I also played another game which had rules and I mean, it’s that thing about AI, right? The thoughts about what would happen if AI ruled us? And that’s fair but in a way it was less surprising. But, it was still interesting, and it’s also fun that we get to try two endings! I actually should try it.
There were one or two bugs I didn’t find game-breaking, but overall the game is extremely polished and I would have loved to play it if it were a full game. The setting is immersive and the art is so, so polished - all those animations! Many congratulations for creating this game.