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Really liked the game. The gameplay felt incredibly fun and smooth once I got the hang of things. I especially enjoyed the roll. Only complaint I can think of is that the first two waves take a bit too long in my opinion. It's just a bit annoying having to play through them everytime I die. I feel like the game really starts to get good once there are multiple enemies and the flying bugs start spawning, but the first two waves just have the basic ground enemy (at least if I recall correctly) and most of the time you are just fighting them 1 on 1 which gets repetitive really quickly. That's really only just a nitpick though sorry if I came across as super critical. :)

Overall I really enjoyed this game. The core gameplay loop is super solid, and the art & sound are good too. It's one of the better games I've played in the jam so far and it's definitely my favorite 3d one in the jam. Great job!