Please find the save file for Charleston brothel; in this case the entire screen was exploded from the madamme's graphic texture; in other cases, her nose was very long and crossing the edge of the screen while her clothes crossed the other edge
I figured this out. Somewhere along the line I screwed up GOF 1.2 by accidentally copying the ERAS character init scripts into GOF 1.2. I have no idea when that happened, but comparing an older copy of GOF 1.2 and seeing how different they were, I took a guess and compared to ERAS and yep...near match, but yet that should not be; the models and animations for certain characters are changed in ERAS and don't match, even if the names are the same because many model files were renamed and/or swapped in ERAS.
Anyway, I corrected GOF 1.2 back to what it should be, and added a save-file-on-load function to correct it for games that are already started. If you get the current update for GOF 1.2, load that save, it should correct itself; I tested it myself and fixes the problem. Sorry for the confusion and trouble I caused with this error...totally my fault.