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Balbus Drusus

A member registered Jul 05, 2019

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Is there a list of the entire differences between ERAS II and the most recent New Horizons?

I've always played ERAS II, only because I've been told that it's the most immersive with plenty of features compared to the others, but I never got to seeing the full list of differences between the 2.

Alrighty! After I dont know how many GB worth of downloads, installs, reinstalls, and uninstalls, and 2 whole days of playing around, I finally figured out the problem.

The shortcut of the Maelstrom ERAS II game had invalid path so I just had to change that in the properties tab.. that's all!

If only I worked this hard in school...

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Oh, strange - I pasted an image screenshot, it doesn't appear to you?
Let me follow your instructions first, then I'll report back to see if it works. Ty for the reply dude.

Update: I have deleted everything and started installing everything anew. Will redo the entire installation instructions then let you know how it goes. I also renamed the Maelstrom engine folder to Maelstrom as shown in the PDF file.

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Hi there ChezJfrey! Hope you're doing well buddy.

It's been over 2 years since I played ERAS and I've come back to conquer the Caribbean once more. :)

I just updated the Maelstrom and the ERAS II automatically, and when I launch Maelstrom and click on ERAS II, it shows me this:

Any suggestion on how I may fix it? Tyvm.


Excuse me for late reply, been hectic past week or so

I just checked the game, and it is working alright for now.

Thanks for support.

Will keep updated on any new issues!

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Yea the fireworks is quite frustrating lately - has been popping up and getting stuck on my screen whereever I go during evening period - in tavern, governors mansion, in port, etc.

Anyhow no worries let us see what modernknight discovers on his version.

My graphics; GeForce GTX 850M

Also have intel; not really sure how to see the full details on my video card

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Could not find another thread to post this issue, but when I started an English game now on ERAS, I saw colorful/firework-like visuals on distant scenery when I was in first-person sailing mode.

The issue occurs on all first person sea encounters during evening time.

And this problem I just recalled since last time I played; now is evidently occuring as well: after ship surrenders via paying tribute (or you paying them tribute just to end battle), you cannot exit screen until you sink them or get out of range. They still attack you and you still attack them but the white color flag marker is still on, and not red:

With reference to first issue of the colorful sparks on screen - I now spotted it once I landed at port:

No worries; mistakes always happen.

Anyhow, apart from the less characters to play with and less NPC characters in the world game, is there much difference between 1.2 and ERAS?

Please find the save file for Charleston brothel; in this case the entire screen was exploded from the madamme's graphic texture; in other cases, her nose was very long and crossing the edge of the screen while her clothes crossed the other edge

I see

The madamme maybe Martinique or Charlestown - I will make a save file when I play later today

Np, thanks for the care

Good evening.

Im doing a 1.2 run at the moment, and so far there were several issues; most notable:

- Brothel madamme graphics are very strange (pinochio nose, etc.)

- I was being chased by 2 enemy military squadron, so I dragged to a nearby fort area and when I try to board the ships, the screen turns into a view of the sea without any movement; save file:

Although you are focusing on ERAS mainly, I completely understand; but the issue with the ship boarding - any ideas on what caused it and what to do to avoid it?

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Thanks for the detailed clarification.

Indeed ERAS has a ton of content; and here are a few notes based on my last gameplay which was about 2 weeks ago:

- The Gallileo telescope and excellent telescope both have same vision; and neither can show you number of cannons, number of crew, or any other detail besides the simple data which is shown on the basic/good spyglass

- The same issue regarding all the AOP games and mods: 

when you leave Cape Negril in Jamaica, your ship is positioned in an uncomfortable position  /  when you leave Trinidad, also similar bad position  /  in Martinique, Lamont Beach just a tiny bit awkward leaving position  /  In Guadalupe when you leave Man-o-shore, have to turn a long way left before your angle is set corretly once you go to world view

Thats all I remember, but will post new stuff when I play it in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for all your efforts.

Thanks for clarifying.

So I would get much more gameplay content on 1.2?

In 2.5 I am not enjoying it quite much except for one aspect: I can play from scratch with a crappy ship and build myself up slowly on near impossible difficulty.

In ERAS I noticed also hundreds of NPC characters compared to just 10 or so in GOF2.5

But one reason I wanted to try GOF is to see the diversity of ships from all classes, which I'm seeing but there are lot of issues with this mod, and historically has always been the case.

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Updated reports on GOF 2.5:

- The compass at sea does not show which way the wind is; supposed to be this way?

- The shield on the top left corner for both land and sea; does not make it clear if your ship / life points are 100%, 75%, or whatever - no possibility to change ?

- All the vendors and shops do not sell any item except potion and bullets

- All the books are named (null) and does not show exactly what the book is.

- As mentioned previously, the moneylender diamond quest does not work - there is no gem anywhere outside city games (worked once but the 2nd time i never found the diamond)

- What's Diego espinosa doing with the Dutch ghost ship as a starter? :)

That's the reason why i see the ship visuals sunken. Only when I save game on sea mode, then reload, I can see the ship floating normally but then when I go to city and back at sea view again, the ghost ship flutters between underwater. And pressing W or S to lower and increase sails is not working properly - either it's slow or the mechanics on the ghost ship are not working properly (After i sold it for $0 and got different ships, it went back to normal)

- On recent save, I keep crashing whenever I try to load. Was being chased by gentlemen of fortune, so I got them near fort and waited as far away as I can. It must be the location where my ship is that makes the save file crash:

For now these are the main issues that came to mind. 

Ahoy there.

Thanks for being attentive to the games. Nice work.

Im downloading now still have not checked on the updated stuff, but I did manage to play a game yesterday; I spent 2 hours trying to go around and like you said, options did not come through; just new and load game.

So I started a new game, and the first thing i noticed is that when you go to sea view, your ship is sunk (visually but not in terms of HP or anything).

So your ship appears underwater for some reason.

Secondly, the money lender's diamond quest outside city walls, I spent 40 minutes chasing it and could not find - is it possible that there is a bug which doesn't show the missing diamond?

I usually play ERAS and the last time I played about 10 days ago I found a lot of weird stuff as well since the new updates; but will report later when I play another new game in the upcoming weeks.

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I am unable to start any game. When I open GOF 2.5 via Maelstrom, the loading screen happens then I go to main menu but i am unable to click on anything; new game, load game, options, or anything.

And I cannot exit the main menu screen without pressing ALT and F4.

The starting music and the animation of the bird in the background are moving normally, but I just can't click on any of the options on main menu.

Please advice how to fix. Thanks.

Thanks for feedback.

Indeed I will try a lower level character next time.

I am quite shocked (in a positive way) on all the different customizations in building textures, different ship varieties, characters, officers available, tactical combat beauty, and many more.

Very nice work on this ERAS.

I must say though, killing enemies at this near impossible level is quite easy to be honest. On the other hand, if they do a heavy attack on me I die 95% of the time, but if you fight properly then you can easily kill your enemies given that you are facing one or two at the most.

I hope also in the near future to see a greater rework of economy to suit a more sophisticated supply/demand system which I assume is not going to be easy on a base game such as AOP.

Anyhow I look forward to the future of this game, and good luck.

Very good composition, but I am quite shocked at some unbalances there are in terms of AI. Here are some issues maybe you can pinpoint to see how I can start over and avoid:

- I chose a Spanish conquistador with a 32 gun ship. It is only my first 30 minutes in the game and after capturing a tiny lugger, I gained a level.. and I'm playing on the hardest level before Impossible difficulty. I then win 2 rounds of gambling at tavern and I gain a ship ability. I then decide to rob a French trader according to the tavern keeper's hint, and it turns out to be a MASSIVE battleship with probably 600++ crew. Wherever I loot (corpses, etc.) I find valuables, and high quality weaponry/armor. Game is making it too easy to find these things.

How do I adjust game settings to make it more challenging and make my player earn his way through the Caribbean rather than have everything at my doorstep?

I had same issue with New Horizons... everything is easy to achieve and gold especially. 

Maybe suggest another AOP mod from your directory which makes ranking and wealth amassing more challenging and fun and you have to earn your way to riches and respect, etc.?

Sea Dogs to each his own has that concept but I do not like the way the game is designed; poor mission development, etc.

This ERAS is very nicely designed but it's just this problem with imbalance that I can't get over with and I'm only 30 minutes into the game.