Just being offered the possibility to resist doesn't mean you will also be actually able to resist in this game.
You can rise Confidence slowly by having your Mood very high, near 100. And this in turn can be achieved by being well fed, clean, well rested and, yes, sexually content. So either have sex a lot or just masturbate. You can lower your Confidence by unwanted acts performed to you. But I don't know if this is permanent.
I would argue that driving your desire up by drugs and then making you accept sex is as well a rape as any other. This at least is my understanding how this would be handled in a real life court.
And this whole notion of women who "just pretend and just need to be aroused and then they are willing" is a very misguided misconception from real life porn, has nothing to do with reality and which, funnily enough, matches this whole misogynistic world of "The Fixer" perfectly.
And your argument about Allure is also borderline, since many rapers argue it's the women's own fault for wearing revealing clothing.
Don't get me wrong. This is a game and not reality so it has its own rules and laws. I'm just saying any game setting of "The Fixer" is as good as any other since any comparison to real world is - or should be - deeply disturbing. Which I think is exactly one of the goals of this game. To be exaggeratedly satirical and caricatural.
To be honest I'm very glad that you aren't raped on every corner in "The Fixer". The whole notion of the forced re-population, child licenses and women being forced to carry to term their offspring even in cases of planned brutal rape is already disturbing enough. But of course that's my own opinion and I'm liberal enough to accept anyone's view in a completely fictional world.
Thanks for clearing up the situation with the bullies. This will move the Bambi origin a bit down my pipeline of origins yet to play.