Good day, as indicated, I'm moving my suggestion/request for the plug in here:
Good day Myth. In your sample game script you have in one of your cards:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
If a Skill have multiple types. All those types will between the brackets? Example:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare", "Fire"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
This way, we the card will generate a random "Rare" and "Fire" Type. This is a feature which will be nice to add, allowing us to have more control for random cards like these.
By the way, I don't know if tha is coded correctly, I took the code from the Demo you have with the plugg in and put it has example XD